Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • [quote:swkr3zqn]hey irbis do you know a technique in construct that I can make a terrain like a grass with different 'grass images' without creating 500 sprites?

    well all you need is seamless texture and perhaps this topic

    this should do if your grass texture is really seamless and good quality.

    but if you want the grass to be somewhat diffrent from time to time then... i dont know. you would need couple of seamless textures but with same looking main part and an array.

    but dont ask me, i am mearly a rookie here. Lucid, Newt, Tulamide, R0J0hound are the ones you should ask.

  • For the fog of war I use objects that simply disappears into contact with the hero. For the character it is 30 frames per second in its animation and I use the software "Poser".

    I agree with the effect of wall texture that leaves the ground when in motion but I have not yet found a way to "tilt". Any advice?

    ahh i see. i am asking because i am i need of FoW too but my layout is propably much biger then your world map and i was curious how big impact so many FoW clouds objects may have on the performence.

    Ohhh Poser! can you tell me, how easy is it to learn for a non-modeler person? i tried .blender and my brain melted thru my ears. I even checked demos of Maya, 3dMAX, Cinema4D but with similiar effect. And i am still looking for a software which would let me lay my hands on some kind human-like Characters models. Human-like characters are the only thing i am still missing. for my game.

    About the wall texutres... umm what you mean? Cave walls are okey, so are that vault-like doors. its just the blending(the valult doors look unnatural on the wall). and when i was talking about the ground i meant it doesnt look like a ground. more like a wall, as you cant observe any angle, which should be present even a bit, if the gameplay is topdown-isometric.

    hold on, ill give you an example of what i mean.

    i just made this terrain. here is a topview, just like you textures of the ground:

    <img src="">

    its hard to gues the angle, or is it a wall, or a ground seen from above.

    this one is just edited a bit, with perspective scewing

    <img src="">

    do you see the diffrence?

  • aaah thanks guys. i knew the solution must be be somewhere in front of my nose but i couldnt see it.

    Wiki dont even have "3D object" page and typing "3D object" in forum search engine told me to GTFO because its too common.

    thank you. now its works perfectly


    well, almost. Emmm.... anybody knows why the object migh not be visible in editor but BE visible ingame?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • How do you put the objects made in Blender to Construct?

    Construct can import .obj extension models. and .obj is preety much the most popular 3d model file type. (even google ScetchUp can open them)

  • Any combination of pitch roll or yaw will do that.

    Experiment till you get the speed right.

    well, i tried. and they didnt. from unknown reason Construct treats my model like a 2d sprite when pitching and yawing. so yes, it rotates it like a 2d sprite

  • <img src="">


  • > heyy


    > I was testing the minimap obj, it's a very simple object and powerful, great job Scirra

    > but for my purpose it not working how I would it to be..

    > I'm trying to make a minimap of just a small area around the player, not the whole layout... example.. my map has 6000x6000 size, in the minimap it's showing all the area and my idea would it to show only the places,objects, etc, near the player..

    > is it possible? with a diferent object maybe?


    > ty!


    Of course it's possible, if you create a custom minimap. Which is simple enough actually, takes just a bit of math.

    Shviller, Arima and me have been messing around with a radar kind of minimap some days ago in the chat. For example:

    this is great!

  • Ive spent last 15 minutes digging in forums but i cant find any explanation.

    My question is: is it possible to rotate 3d object on Z axis? think: rotating planet.

    this is quite crusial for me. i either figure out how to rotate an 3d object or ill be forced to make a animated sprite... which is a bad choice thinking how many frames itll need to make the rotation feel smoth.

  • that shuttle/thingy drawing is just phenomenal

    your words makes me very sad

    [quote:1h9o99pq]Here are some screenshots and a technical demo of my game, as you've probably noticed, draws heavily on the first Fallout.

    and this actualy looks very promising.

    what technique you use for the FogOfWar? Canvas or Object?

    i would complain a little bit about that metal doors in the rock wall. they seems unnatural. you should perhaps put some kind of frame, like a conrate wall around it or something.

    The character animation is great. incredibly fluent and smonth. how may frames the character animation you used? the effect is awesome. did you used 3d modeling program? i am missing human models so nice as this SOOOO much

    about the texture you have used for the starting area... scew it a bit, to give it a sense of perspective, because atm i feel like i am runing on a wall.

  • well...

    <img src="">


    actualy i did that.

    and your irony was at least needless

  • i think all of you got the wrong impression.

    i didnt knew about the past as i havent been here back then.

    i have never imagined that my words will be taken as a attempt to ignite a flame war.

    shame that no one though about, that perhaps i started this thread in order to stand up and defend Construct (if needed) but also inform you about something you might be not aware of. after all the topic stated clearly "Construct Rip-off?"

    silly me.

    you can propably close/delete this thread.

  • i am not taliing about their age but the "new interface" which in my rotten eyes is almost a raw copy/paste of Constructor (or the other side around).

  • two game engines

    Both are much alike.

    One is Construct, the other one is Multimedia Fusion 2.

    Construct is open-source freeware, then MF2 is comersial costs 313.65 $ and is royalty NON-free which means you must share your incomes from your game with them.

    did anybody else noticed how alsmost IDENTICAL they are? but who was first? is one a rip-off of the another? then who was the first? this is extremly weird. just look at this:

    this ss is taken like 5 minutes ago from my PC

    this is from their web

    <img src="">

    and that quote from their website...

    [quote:2b6pmc08]"Introducing Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer's new interface!

    Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer's stylish new interface allows even the most novice of PC users to navigate and develop games and applications, without any prior programming knowledge."

    its just like Constructor, only enhanced incredibly. all the interface, options, even the windows - they are all like copy-paste

    how is this possbile? em i missing somethng obvious? maybe Construct devs are working for them too and i am just missing the obvious? can someone enlighten me? i am DAMN confused.

    heres their link

  • [quote:295bxukr]And me?

    average programming skills

    if you rate your skills in programming "average" then by compare i must at "minus infinity" level


    average music composing skills

    average or not - they are still present. i, for example - have none. so ANY skills in this area would be warmly welcomed

    [quote:295bxukr]below average drawing skills

    as previously, ANY is always better then NONE. i cant draw a damn happy face without lines going all crazy. if not for the PhotoShop and various assests generators i have in my possesion any and all my games must have been made in ASCII

    seriously Tulamide... for me you are a GameDev god. or at least arch-angel heh