Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • Heyah,

    Its been a while since i posted here.

    Anyway, my CC knowledge is not really up to date. Whats the status of Fammilies? Last time i checked they were incredibly buggy to the point where they could preety much screwe up your entire CAP.

    I am asking because i am tempted to use them, but i dont want to get myself into another mess.

  • missing Effect. Anybody re-upload please?

  • A payed plugin for a freeware, royalty-free app?

    Dont take it personaly but - no way.

    If am supposed to pay to make my own game i would just go and buy C2 or another engine. Regardless of the price.

    The whole point of CC existance currently is based around the idea that here we have an inferion, weaker version of C2 but its totaly freeware and royalty-free.

    Having a payed plugin for it defeats the whole purpous.

    I will much rather spent an additional week of work coding my own custome UI rather then pay for one.

    No hard feelings. Its just my opinion. Which you have all the rights to disagree with.

  • I am left speechless.

    I cannot technicaly express my gratitude Rojo.

    Check your PM for some shinnies.

  • sorry for the typos. i am just very nervous and additionaly my keyboard is malfunctioning.

  • I appreciate you help and the will.

    Sadly theres no workaround for this. Especialy as each graphic are from 256^2 to 512^2.

    And even if there would be... its already too late.

    You see. I have a very limited time. I quited my job to do this full time. 12-15h day after day for past 5-6months. The game is really good and supposed to pay the bills. I have just 2-3months left. Knowing that - i just dont have time anymore fore any workaround. I wont have the time to use it, even if i would find it.

    The plugin is broken but i cant unplug him without breaking the gain. For the game to work proparly it has to be there, even broken.

    The only hope if theres someone bigger then me capable of making a plugin especialy for accessing data stored in GFX Card VRAM. This way, even when the broken Unique Sprites will still horde the VRAM i will be able to remotly clean his mess right after.

    I am already devastated. I have wife and son. If a miracle wont happend i will have to throw away all this GameDev dreams and look for a regular work. With past half a year put into waste.

    Lemme reapet for people capabale of making plugin for CC: I am willing to pay for such plugin. just please, contact me.

  • actualy its not its beauty, its his most ugly face but i wont elaborate on this topic.

    the bottom line is:

    the plugin at this time, is a fundamental element of the game. i cant pull it off without erasing months of work. and no. theres no workaround. This plugin supposed to be the workaround.

    A Layout. And couple of hunderds graphics. Not all of them are always used. Actualy not more then 10%. But ALL of them have a % chance of being used.

    To avoide creating hundreds of sprite objects that would propably kill the VRAM and takes ages to write in i had been lookng for a way to have one object but with diffrent graphics - depending on the situation. This is where the Unique Sprite came in. I could spawn any number of one spirte object and depending on its PV - load a proper texture for it. This is the only way. No other contruct native objects has all the requaired characteristics for this task.

    As i said. Theres no workaround. That would be a workaround of a workaround (which is more then typical for CC...). The only way to rescue my game (and its a damn good one) is to somehow access the textures stored in VRAM from construct and unload them.

    This is my only chance. By a plugin or some ultra secret of CC that i havent learnd in last 4 years of my CC usage.

  • For past half a year i was working very hard on a game that i planned to sell and maybe finaly put some food on the table for me and my fammily.

    Some time ago i bumped yet another CC limitation and couldnt find a walkaround. My salvation apeared to be plugin Unique Sprites

    Little i knew that when this damn plugin has the ability to load unique textures it NEVER unloads them trashing VRAM time after time hoaring all the VRAM he can get his hands on.

    And theres no way of stoping him. Theres no texture unload action and the normal one just doesnt work.

    So heres my cry for help.

    Do anybody know a way to make this plugin unload the textures? or a way to FORCE him to do so? or unload te textures by force? i dont know how.

    If theres no known way of doing that i would like ask someone to make a plugin for such action. I will even pay you if it works.

    I never expected much of help from this forums but now i am left at your mercy. Without your help my game is doomed.

    Please contact me here on via email

  • I tried it in debug mode and Destroying the UniqueSprite doesnt decreases VRAM usage

    Actualy i have to take back what i have said a while ago.

    My game gone very advanced and this plugin is now a crucial element of it. and yeah, i just noticed that for some reason the textures arent unload. EVER. And if i wont find a way to kick them out of the damn VRAM my game is ruined. 6months of hard work gone down the tube. And i am at point where rebuilding the game without this plugin is just out of the question.

    now what.

  • i just wanted to say - thank you.

    You propably just saved my game with this plugin.

    When i am done you are going into the credits. actualy i think ill just inject you into the game as something.

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  • we tried that. and it mostly works, with a few but very crusial exceptions..

    there is 360 degres total. now the spaceship is facing 10 degree. and he need to be turned LEFT to 350 degree. now, logicaly thats only 20 degress diffrence but the engine will count not the logical diffrence but the technical diffrence. for math jumping from 10 to 360 will be read as increased. even when you just gone down and came on the other end.

    i tested this =\</p>

  • basicly i am making a spaceship. and i though that to make it feel more realistic the ship could have 3 x thrusters. the back one, left and right. if the ship fly forward the back one would work. if its rotating left - the right one would work, if right - the left one. and so on.

    the problem is neither i or my buddy can determinate a condition for that. as far as i checked theres no IF spriteX is rotating (counter)clockwise or IF angle is increasing/decreasing.

    the problem is that the ship is not conroled directly by the player. it has RTS beh that always forces him to fly to the Pointer sprite.

    any idea?

    the only option i see so far is to create my own custome made RTS behaviour but if its possibly i would prefer to avoide that (i am already far behind my deadlines and any additional work is a salty bite to swallow)

  • i cant belive how unhelpful and selfish this forums can get!

  • thats why i dont use families. Especialy as they can be replaced with oher methods. But shame, really as the custom made methods are much more timeconsuming.

  • well i dont know how it is in your case but from my expirience such crashes are an effect of coliding events.

    in my case, for example it was two contradictory events. One said to empty the sound cashe at layout end when the other leftover event claimed to load so sounds at the layout end.

    another this is if you write an event that orders Construct to do something AFTER going to other layout

    for example

    When X happends ->

    -Go to Layout Y

    -Change animation frame of ABC to 2

    so construct did as you ordered him and he changed the layouts but then he tried to do the 2nd thing you asked him and change the animation frame of an object, but the object stoped existing as you just left the layout and blam - my game kicked back to the windows desktop telling me the same error message you seen.

    In your case there must be some sort of conflict betwen sswitching layouts and propably Global Vars.

    the only thing you can do is check your events sheet line by line looking for conflicting events.