Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • ehh... why do I have to keep bumping this? Newgrounds is the most lucrtative html5 games platform right now. It should have official support, long before Kongregate >_>

  • Hello guys! Before I started making games - I was actually a professional voice actor.

    If you would need voice acting/voice over for your creations, be it trailer, audiobook, or any form of spoken words - drop me a line. I have 10 years of experience, skills and the right gear. I am also very skilled in audio mastering and editing.

    Additionally - I live in Poland, so my prices are reasonable and cheap.

    I speak both English and Polish.

    Here's my portfolio for you to hear what I am capable of. Kudos!

  • gratz! Told ya its only a matter of time.

  • Irbis

    If your Antumbra 2 passed, why do you say it failed?

    I'm on 50% yes ratio, but not enough unique visits compared to other games for the time-frame.

    This recent bunch, around 70 games were lit. It seems games that make it to the top 200 or 300 have a chance of been greenlit, not just the top 50 or 100. So that's something good I guess!

    Because it passed way to late. After my IndieGoGo camp ended.

    Ratio is damn good then. Actually a game gets auto-greenlit the moment it crosses aroud 6000-7000 Yes Votes. Votes for now doesn't matter at all. IF there is 6000+ people willingto spend their money on your game - Valve will take you in.

  • Funny trailer

    Why thank you! Was kind of a anoying to make because I don't have a proper camera. I have to record video and audio on two diffrence devices and then stick them togather on PC.

  • One month into the Greenlight, getting to the top 100 is extremely difficult without major marketing (pay marketing companies to help, or joining a bundle giving away keys for 5 cents). Some other devs even do shady crap like bribing for votes, giving away gifts/keys etc on Steamgifts/trades.

    Looking at the stats for other titles on Greenlight, even really good games that don't have marketing to drive visits to the page struggle.

    This site:

    Tracks all the titles on Greenlight, it's accurate.

    It seems the natural traffic from Greenlight itself is falling over time, now the first few days, natural viewers seem to be around 1200. If you can secure 50% of them as yes votes, that's already quite good, due to people liking different genres. But besides that, if you want more visits to your page, you have to direct them there somehow.

    Good learning experience so far.

    I have to disagrea. If you have good game and you don't just sit and wait - Greenlight is only a matter of time. My failed Antumbra 2 got greenlit 2 weeks after I stoped really caring. Two things matters - traffic and type of traffic. Most games gets Greenlit in between 2 to 6 weeks. If its been over 6weeks already - THEN I would start worring.

    I don't know what are your current GL stats Silver but from what I see you are doing rather good for now. You have a solid stream of comments, good niche, you are active and you havea quality product. To me you are doing just fine.

    If you would run into some trouble - track me down on facebook or something. I might be able to help if you will actually need it.

  • My new game Zit Storm is on Steam Greenlight and Beta version can be played on Gamejolt



  • Zit Storm

    500 - 1,000 Plays. Published yesterday.

  • Hello, my new creation

    Zit Storm (Free)

  • Hello So I've made a new game. And its called "Zit Storm"










    Behold the great Zit Storm! Hilarious and disgusting arcade-action gaming. Pop the Zits! Earn Zit Dollars! Buy Upgrades and collect Bonuses! Get Medals and Achievements! And have fun doing so


    ? 4 Game Modes

    ?15 Unique Bonuses

    ?18 Upgrades

    ?24 Medals


    Windows, Linux, Mac, Android


    Little Robot Sound Factory


    Hey! I made a different kind of game that's getting some great feedback, check it out:


    Income from Zit Storm will help fund the anticipated sequel.

  • Not to necropost but this plugin really begs for some updating... and description/tutorial.

  • Can you be more specific about the Method #1:, steps 3, 4 and 5?

    I have to say that I like the method #2 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Actually doing enough noise apparently worked! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> ... html#start

    [quote:1kkzow02]Thanks for explaining how the tool works. Like I said, Crosswalk shouldn’t enforce anything else than the minimum set of permissions, the rest should be up to the user. I’m actually surprised nobody complained about the camera etc. before if those are enabled by default.

    We’ll work with the XDK team to fix this.


    [quote:1kkzow02]Thanks for your patient propose.

    We are discussing with XDK team to dynamically configure those permissions



    As for recompiling back the apk: ... ify_an_apk

    I would like to add, that beside the initial comunication problems - the guys over Intel/Crosswalk are exceptional nice, polite and reasonable. Ah, I wish Node WebKit team would learn from them. Or Google Chrome... I still see unchecked bug reports on their platform... from a year ago.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Okey, the thing is still rolling. If anybody feels like joining - hop in:

    [Crosswalk-help] CrossWalk14+XDK+Construct2: Problems with permissions ... html#start

    [quote:m5x8dszw]From always, if you make games using Construct 2 you would go like this

    1. Export for mobiles (Cordova)

    2. Set the permission as you see fit, on the 2nd picture

    3. Then import the project into XDK

    4. If you would like any extra Permissions - you would add them into the

    "Add Permissions" spot.

    5. Most of the time its needless because any plugin you use - creates a

    corresponding permissions. So if you have a plugin that needs internet or

    wifi - upon exporting it will get a corresponding Permission automatically.

    So technically, we all start with a blank, which then the software fills

    for us automatically.

    Right now we have the other way around. We setup the permissions in C2,

    then in XDK. But it doesn't matter as its being overwritten upon Crosswalk


    To further explain the gravity of the situation, imagine such occurrence:

    You download a free Tetris clone. And when you try to install it, it asks

    you for permission to:

    -use your camera

    -record all audio

    -access your personal SD card and device settings.

    Would you install such game? I would ask myself why the heck a freaking

    tetris wants to watch me, listen to me, record what I am saying and access

    my mobile hard drive. And then I would just cancel the installation, go

    back to the provider of such App and rate it low, report it, and warn other

    people to stay away from this Spyware.

    We have the chance to setup everything we need, in Construct 2 and XDK. But

    we have no control over Crosswalk settings, upon the export, at the end is

    done by XDK, on their servers. So when native programmers can easily get

    rid of troublesome permissions - we have no such option. And we have to

    "Hack" our own games to change anything <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    I really don't think it should be that way. But I am pretty sure more

    people are having troubles with this. Construct 2 is the biggest and most

    used Game Maker engine for non-programmers. I think I can even safely

    assume that out of 10 mobile games on the planet ( NOT created via native

    programming) 8 was done via Construct 2.

    We might get this thing sorted. Maybe. If more people would leave a shout we might get it done faster. That would show the problem is more global then local.

    Ashley . Tom . imaffett . Iolva . shinkan

  • Umm...could you go into more detail, please? LOL!


  • good question. i am also interested