VikasSanstha's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I recently found an interesting problem while using Construct. I have an app that uses TextToSpeech heavily that I export as html5.

    I embed that on a website and I view it using a react native webview in an android app. The problem is that android webview does not support speechSynthesis api and cannot benefit from this functionality.

    However, I made a custom function on the website (in js) that uses external packages to overcome this. Is there a way to change the Construct text to speech handler to my own custom function?

    Ashley, if you are available and can offer any input that would be appreciated.

  • Anything?

  • Not being able to simply "save" files is a pretty fundamental malfunction. I hope it can be fixed soon. It's very disruptive to the workflow, especially if you are vetting and managing a large collection of projects. It also invites a variety of potentially critical errors on the user's part, in terms of accidentally overwriting something they didn't intend to, saving something in the wrong place and creating duplicates, etc. It's especially bad in that the save as dialogue doesn't even open the folder that the file was opened from.

  • All of a sudden Construct is prompting me to Save As every time, and it opens to a folder that's not even the source folder for the file that I loaded into Construct. This is extremely annoying and it never did this before. For all the time I've used Construct save operations happened just like save operations in any other software - it just saved the file, overwriting the existing file, without further input required. Sometimes after clearing cache or cookies it would prompt "do you want to let Construct save files" once at the beginning of the session, but beyond that it was normal. Now it never prompts me, it never just saves, and there's only this poorly functioning Save As. I am aware of the setting for "default save location". There is no save - only save as, cloud, and download copy.


  • Thanks so much to both of you for these thoughtful and helpful responses. I'm trying out both approaches to see what fits best with the rest of the app - there are other things going on that are not shown in this simplified version that I posted here. Many thanks again.

    Stan great to see you again and thanks! Props and respect to see you're still helping people by sharing your expertise.

  • Hello friends,

    I have a little educational app where random, mix-n-match sentences are generated for students to practice reading.

    Here is the C3 file.

    The app creates sentences that include pronouns, and I want to implement a system where for the male names the pronouns are changed on the fly.

    The file above is a stripped-down version for the forum here. In the real implementation it has many names.

    A typical example is:

    Susan is happy because it's her birthday

    ...needs to become

    Peter is happy because it's his birthday

    ...when a male name is invoked

    If you open the project file it should be immediately clear how it's set up (it's very simple) and what the goal is. The sentence fragments that include the gender specific pronouns - I only want to write those once in one gender. I want the coding to handle changing the pronouns according to what name is being invoked.

    I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure it out, but I'm just not that advanced. I think an array would probably be best - one column for female names and one for male, and then you'd just say if the name came from this or that column, change all "she" to "he" etc., but I can't get that working. Is it the 'len'? If it's an array with two names columns, it needs to still draw randomly from both columns to maintain the current functionality. The other approach it seems would be a condition where I just list all the male names and the system checks against the list each time.

    Thanks very much for any assistance. I greatly appreciate it!

  • Hello friends,

    I have been trying to figure out how to adapt this mechanic to subtract rather than add, without any success. It's a button you click and a number increases by a chosen amount every time, and it 'animates' the changing of the numbers. I'd like to make it subtract as well.

    Here is the original project file, which was created by Bruno Palermo.

    Many thanks for any assistance.

  • Ok, I see the difficulty now. It's quick work in this case to make them separate, just wondering if a more automated approach could be worked out. It would make it much easier to make a variety of content that uses this mechanic.

  • I can do that, but If it is possible to do what I've eluded to in the first pic, I would really like to learn how. It's a technique that I could use in a wide variety of ways.

  • Hello friends,

    I've been struggling to figure out how to achieve this simple functionality. I thought it would be using tokenat, but nothing I have tried has worked. Any help is appreciated.

    The actual use case is this. On the right side a random shape/color combination is automatically loaded. Then the user must ID the shape and its color by choosing a shape and color name from the left. I can do everything else, but this above part has me stuck. These are just normal text boxes with pre-set text.

  • I'd like to batch update/change these four fields for all 75 or so of my project files. I see it's in project.c3proj

    "author": "",

    "authorEmail": "",

    "authorWebsite": "",

    "appId": "",

    Any risk in directly editing all of these? Just change the suffix to zip, edit the files and then change it back.


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  • You are on the right track, just need to add your favorite permuation table :)

    Awesome! I've got it working with the audio already. Excited to flesh it out. I'll send along the final. Many thanks for the help. Very valuable assistance.

  • There is a simple way to display multiple random images from which only one one is correct. Here is a demo:

    This is brilliant, thanks so much. I am really humbled by your mastery of this craft.

    Do you think this could be adapted to work with a scenario where the images are all in the files section of the project? It's just that I have 300+ images in one scenario (the Hindi Barakhadi), and I have to correlate them all with sound files that have the same name prefix. Maybe instead of animation frames it could use an array that matches the file names?

    Here is your file with a few sample required images, sounds and array, if you have a chance to ponder it.

    In this case the question would not be text or a picture that must be identified, but rather a sound file playing, then the user must match it. I can't use TTS because the core component is the Hindi Barakhadi, the vast number of consonant/vowel combinations, which cannot be done properly with TTS, only audio.

  • so to pick the random sound I would do this

    set gloabal string pickedConsonant to: choose(ba,cha,ga,ha,...)

    to play the correct audio assuming it has the same name:

    play audio by name: pickedConsonant

    now create the answer image assuming they have the same name

    create object by name: pickedConsonant

    so now create the wrong answers

    repeat 3x

    create object by name: choose(ba,cha,ga,ha,...)

    to compare if the player has selected the correct answer you can compare the name of the clicked image with the string pickedConsonant

    Thanks so much. I will work with this and let you know how it goes. Much appreciated!

  • yes store the choose(ba,cha,ga) in a string and then play the audio from that string..

    see my answer on your other question. I hope I could help :)

    Thanks, I understand this now.