Save As only? Where did save go?

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The ultimate voice pack filled with 1,536 files of .......wav and mp3 of individual numbers, letters, and words (that go
  • All of a sudden Construct is prompting me to Save As every time, and it opens to a folder that's not even the source folder for the file that I loaded into Construct. This is extremely annoying and it never did this before. For all the time I've used Construct save operations happened just like save operations in any other software - it just saved the file, overwriting the existing file, without further input required. Sometimes after clearing cache or cookies it would prompt "do you want to let Construct save files" once at the beginning of the session, but beyond that it was normal. Now it never prompts me, it never just saves, and there's only this poorly functioning Save As. I am aware of the setting for "default save location". There is no save - only save as, cloud, and download copy.


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  • All of a sudden Construct is prompting me to Save As all the time, and it opens to a folder

    Same here it's been doing for a while, I think since R335, I was gonna open a thread to ask the same thing.

  • Not being able to simply "save" files is a pretty fundamental malfunction. I hope it can be fixed soon. It's very disruptive to the workflow, especially if you are vetting and managing a large collection of projects. It also invites a variety of potentially critical errors on the user's part, in terms of accidentally overwriting something they didn't intend to, saving something in the wrong place and creating duplicates, etc. It's especially bad in that the save as dialogue doesn't even open the folder that the file was opened from.

  • Potentially critical errors on the user's part, in terms of accidentally overwriting something they didn't intend to, saving something in the wrong place and creating duplicates, etc.

    I agree, it happened to me a few times when I click on the wrong File and it nearly overrode it, good I spot it on time.

  • Anything?

  • It seems to still be working fine for me. It's difficult to help without more details about precisely what you're doing.

  • It seems to still be working fine for me. It's difficult to help without more details about precisely what you're doing.

    I'm still having this issue:

    Video to show quick the issue:

    How to replicate:

    1-(Drag & Drop) any project stored on your PC into C3

    2-Make any changes

    3-Hit Save button

    Observed result:

    It opens the File Explorer to select where you want to save the file.

    Expected result:

    To save directly in the same file without asking again where you want to save it.

    It used to work fine before and it just recently started to ask where to save the file again. I cannot remember exactly when started as it's been 1 or 2 months at least I think.

    This is very dangerous because if you have multiple files in the same folder you can select the wrong file and override it by mistake, as it happened to me a few times because you select quick the file to save to without presting much attention.

    I'm currently using the last Version: R338

  • Please file an issue following all the guidelines. It's difficult to help if you miss out required details, like the system info which tells us about your system and software details.

  • I can reproduce.

    If I quickly test this, it works fine in r329 and earlier, but stopped working in r330 and later.

    Verify tarek2

  • Please file an issue with all these details. Issues not filed to our tracker are easily lost and forgotten.

  • Nice fredriksthlm

    Thanks for checking it out.

    I can confirm that indeed:

    -Works fine in r329.

    -But stopped working in r330 and later.

    I opened a bug report as per Ashley's request:


  • I discovered one fact about this problem that may be helpful. For me at least - it is a matter of dragging the file from a Windows Explorer window to open it - as opposed to using Construct's file>open menu. It saves fine when using the file>open, but this other problematic behavior occurs when you open by dragging from Explorer. That should provide something concrete to look into.

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