VertexZero's Forum Posts

  • You export a capx file. Check the top menu, you'll have an option for exporting a single file.

  • You should post a capx file so we can help you

  • 3Ds max is expensive but easier to use, Maya is great but difficult to use. Blender is amazing and tons of great features and the only reason I don't use it at work its because is not compatible with the rest of our art pipeline.

  • Ah ok, well, that sucks. I thought that by getting ride of an extra collision detection sprite (so far I use 3 or 4 attached to the player sprite) I would have a reduction in the collision detections.


  • Theres a problem that raises with R0J0hound solution. If I keep the button press while entering climbing state, once on top of the ledge Player goes back to hanging position. I suppose this is due to Y being zero.

    Also, am I optimizing this for nothing or will I have some performance gain at the end?

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  • Nevermind, I found the solution. But thanks for your help! you rock!


  • R0J0hound, thanks that works amazingly good. This way I avoid using an extra sprite for detecting ledges.

    But now I face a new issue:

    Climbing is done in only one ledge and even if I try to grab another one I still get warped to the same point. Should I do a check up of the ledge being triggered using their UIDs?

  • , you should maybe export a unique file instead so we can test it.


  • Ribis, you are completely right. Bad coding can create a lot of performance issues. I'm well aware as myself I did many mistakes as I've been progressing. Often the best solution is the simplest. Same for every other engine.

    Although NW had several performance issues in the past, so far most of them seems fixed. Apart the minor issue of task not properly closing in the task manager which seems to be fixable anyways.

  • meh, sorry, last time I bump this

    • Post link icon

    For me, the 64 preview version works fine so far. But that's after copying all the project into a new one. Might be a problem of corruption of files. Not really sure.

  • I'm gonna do a shameless bump on this.


  • perhaps use something like this

    System Every tick --> (system scroll to position)
    X lerp(scrollx,Player.X,dt*dist)
    Y lerp(scrolly,Player.Y,dt*dist)[/code:oju3qf3f]
    Where dist is the distance in pixels in x & y
  • Ok, so I presently got a nice climb onto a ledge system. but it uses a extra detect sprite attached to the player sprite.

    I realized that this causes the system to calculate extra detection of collisions, so I want to find a better and more optimal solution.

    What I did was add an intance variable for when the player is mirrored or not which are either 1 or -1

    Now, I tried doing this:

    PlayerDetect is overlapping at offset ledge at PlayerDetect.X + (PlayerDetect.PlayerDirection*8)

    (Then also added the detection of the point at Y)

    But is not working. Only way so far I can make the climb system is by using an extra sprite. So is there any solution?

    Thanks in advance

  • Maybe try using families and group those solids into different categories? Then maybe it would work but cant guarantee it.