VelvetLobster's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Thanks Ashley! I was giving up the possibility to release something for iOS already

  • I've heard of this before

    I also have heard of this before ... =( never heard of a work around for it though ... perhaps removing all cutscenes or replacing with sprites (which would make the project gigantic in size)

    we tried several work arounds in cordova configuration files, but never got it to work ...

    Anyways, I posted it as a bug as you suggested, in here:

    Thanks for suggestion

  • Problem Description

    Any form of video either does not show at all or appears as fullscreen with playback control buttons on iOS devices (iOS 11).

    At first I posted as a "how to" post, but was suggested to post as a bug. (original post: viewtopic.php?f=147&t=199527 )

    By the way, it would be great to know if that still happens on c3, because perhaps it is a behavior related to how iOS treats videos and not C2 or C3.

    Anyways, it would also be great to know how any of you work around this kind of issue.

    Attach a Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    Capx contains a test scene with multiple videos and sprite elements with animation behaviors (simple sine rotation and opacity)

    On play you should see a glitch and a moth video, both with some transparency between the 2 rotating sprites, like this: ... .jpeg?dl=0

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - export it as cordova
    • Step 2 - build the cordova project using the command line tools (or any other way you prefer, the result is the same as far we know)
    • Step 3 - open in xcode and test on any iOS device


    Observed Result

    Formats like webm display no video (which is actually expected because iOS does not seem to support webm)

    Formats encoded with h264 (mp4) display as fullscreen videos with playback buttons

    Expected Result

    It would be great to have them behave like normal elements of the game, as one can see in the desktop exports.

    Affected Browsers

    Not applicable I guess since we are talking about the Cordova export, right?

    Operating System and Service Pack

    iOS 11

    Construct 2 Version ID

    I have seen the same behavior in all of the versions I tested, which were all from r247 on (248,249 and 250)


    Also, here is the project already configured to be exported in xcode so to make the test easier, just open this on xcode and test it on any iOS device ...

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  • By the way, should I post this as a bug?

  • Is that different in C3? Has anyone tried using videos in their titles for iOS in C3?

  • Hi you all,

    We have been struggling with video support in different platforms for quite some time.

    On desktop, I found out that even videos with transparency wrapped in a webm container work beautifully.

    On apple devices though, nothing seems to get them working ok... perhaps the trouble is with the cordova configuration, but up until now, no modification in the configuration has changed anything.

    I see that c2 supports the these codecs:


    Theora/Vorbis (which I did not manage to test just yet)

    H264 (on apple devices people seem to always use this one, correct me if there is a better alternative, please)

    But when a h264 (mp4) video is played on the ipad or iphone, any video just takes fullscreen and shows video control buttons like play and stop.

    We are checking the possibility of using videos as scene elements or just as cutscenes if transparency is not possible. It would be great to have these things working in apple devices as well.

    Here is the test published online:

    Here is the capx for the test: ... .capx?dl=0

    Here is the xcode project: ...

    Any help is deeply appreciated.

  • Good to know! Thanks! Other annoying stuff I have already seen have they changed are related to the search behavior in event sheets, glad to see they made it better in C3.

  • Hi you all, I don't know about you, but I happen to use mostly shortcuts when editing event sheets in C2, which is one of the things I love the most about C2, you can do almost everything without even touching the mouse, you can do very complex stuff real fast this way. There are some annoying behaviors though, like the one you see in this image, does anyone else think this is annoying? Has this changed in C3? I just happen use a lot of plugins only currently available in C2, so migrating to C3 now is not a good alternative. ... I.jpg?dl=0

  • Hi you all,

    Have you recently tried to build a project for ios using Phonegap?

    I am trying to build some old construct2 projects and test them on apple devices, but I can`t remove the default cordova splashscreen, no matter what I do. I have tried every tip I found on this forum and in the phonegap and cordova documentation, but the cordova default splashscreen keeps showing up when I open the game on the ipad. Phonegap seems to be just ignoring whatever preferences I use for the splashscren plugin. I am going the simplest way possible, just trying to remove the splashscreen using the preferences in the config.xml:

    <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="0" />

    <preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="true" />

    I even tried to use hide it in the deviceready function in index.html, but also no success. So I wanted to just know if some of you have recently been able to use phonegap online build feature and have successfully been able to change icons and change/remove the splashscreen.

    Thanks in advance

  • 9 posts