Uriel1339's Forum Posts

  • Thank you everyone who reached out! I found a developer to partner with.

  • UPDATE: I found a developer.

    I have an idea to make a turn based RPG in a similar style of 'Conclave' here:


    The idea is to make it available/adaptable to make in the future several games in the same style, so this first game will be both fully fledged and the foundation as an RPG engine.

    I have several game design aspects and attempted a prototype in the past, however my programming knowledge is limited and I want to make a proper polished product.

    If you are interested in developing it from start to completion with me, please reply to this thread or send me a direct message.

    Budget is about $1000-2000/month depending on your rate and dedicated hours, I'm open for negotiation.

    I'm looking for 1 developer to work closely with and make this a long term endeavor.

    Thanks in advance!


    Andreas aka Uriel1339

  • I have an idea to make a turn based RPG in the style of 'Conclave' here:


    I have several game design aspects and attempted a prototype in the past, however my programming knowledge is limited.

    If you are interested in developing it in completion with me, let me know so we can discuss monthly rate & hours, etc.

    Thanks in advance!


    Andreas aka Uriel1339

  • Sadly you can't. His website is dead which means his email is dead too. And there seems no social media presence under that nickname.

  • Not sure if it helps, but I made this grid movement style tutorial similar to fire emblem:


  • instead of 'mouse' on click, etc. use the touch object. The cool thing is touch also works for mouse.


    And here is a tutorial where I used 'click and drag' but it still works with mouse:


  • Maybe this old tutorial of mine can help you out:


  • Are you still looking for someone to work with?

    I'm still open for an additional developer. Feel free to add me on LinkedIn or shoot me an email. andreas.lopez93 at gmail.com.

    That way we can go over the details and see if the opportunity is suitable for both of us.


    Andreas Lopez

  • Hello There!

    This request might sound quite awkward on first glance but please allow me to explain simply in a few bullet points, along with a deeper explanation further below:

    • With Light-Weight Apps, I mean simple applications such as a Hose Reel Calculator or a Small Engine Reference Guide. (Click on the links to see what I built as examples)
    • Clearly I know my way around Construct, however I want to get to the next level and figure partnering with a C3 specialist is going to be the more optimal route so I can focus on the business and management aspects.
    • Why Revenue Share? Because I am building a Business Consulting Firm specializing in E-Commerce & Software Small-Mid Business consulting - As contracts / sales are earned, you will be compensated 50-75% of the Software value. I intend to make my own share of the pie through the consulting and on-going project management, while niche applications you will be creating are going to be mostly your compensation for adding value to their business.
    • Why Construct 3? Because I like the way it operates and the fact it can be exported in many different formats and the fact that I have enough understanding to realize its limitations and capabilities - and the fact it is a very mainstreamed programming tool.

    Thank you for reading so far! As for the niche part, I will be starting with Pressure Washing Manufacturers & Retailers as well as Paint Sprayer Equipment Manufacturers & Retailers. I have been a Project Manager in those niches for over 5 years at an E-Commerce firm and have many contacts and see a lack of technological know-how in those companies which can benefit strongly from such simple tools like a calculator for their equipment or even maybe a simple interactive questionnaire to help their customer narrow down the product line they should pay specific knowledge to.

    I gladly will draft contracts and I don't expect full-time work, but I want a reliable person that can squeeze my projects in on-demand. As a Project Manager I'm smart enough to ask beforehand how long such an individual project will take and to gather all the specifications upfront to prevent unwanted surprises.

    As for my other qualifications, I'm a certified Technical Writer and have Intermediate HTML & CSS knowledge with basic PHP knowledge (I created a few internal WordPress / WooCommerce plugins before) as well as basic VBA knowledge and Advanced Graphic Design (I had marketing for 2 years in school and did professional graphic design as part of E-Mail and Website Design).

    If you are interested in such an opportunity, please let me know. I'm available via Discord, E-Mail and LinkedIn if you wish to discuss further.

    Thank you very much for your time and I'm looking forwards to hear from you!


    Andreas Lopez

  • Ooohhh.... Oops.... That happens if you don't look what google threw at you. Good news anyway: I managed to solve the issue with the canvas snapshot function by reducing the size of my canvas temporarily, take the snapshot and then return to normal size again

  • I can't get the plugin to work and feel kinda stupid about it because I got other plugins to work, so perhaps I just have a brainfart...

    I did as told, put the Screenshot.csx file into the plugins directory.

    But I am not sure what to do with the other 'Screenshot.csx' from the Runtime folder. The readme says in the Scirra runtime directory but I don't find it at all. And I kind of really need this for my project, any help would be appreciated!

  • Hi bud,

    I'm pretty sure we have worked together a wee way back,

    Your name looks familiar,

    Anyway can you give me and email,

    And i will pass on some quotes and recent portfolios,

    Look forward to hearing from you,



    Hey Daniel,

    yes we have but your art style looked off from what we want with this project that's why I haven't hit you up. I still got you in my address book and get your promo e-mails and all that


    Andreas Lopez

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello Construct 2 Forum and interested 2D Artist!

    my name is Andreas Lopez, on the worldwide web also known as 'Uriel1339'. A friend and I recently formerly founded a company to make games, we are making these in a modified version of 'One Game Per Month Challenge', so it is in reality 10 weeks consisting out of:

    1 Week Pre-Production (Research, Concept, Planning, etc.)

    8 Weeks Production (Making the assets, programming the game, publishing the game, etc.)

    1 Week Post-Production (Post Mortem document, Marketing, etc.)

    We fully intend to make commercial projects, not just games for fun and we set this 10-week challenge onto ourselves to get a realistic feel for the Game Industry as we intend our projects to become part of our portfolios and first steps into the professional portion of the industry. As a team we have completed our first game just recently named 'A Casual Chat' which won a prize in the contest we made it for.

    However we are recruiting in fact for our next project, which starts around 3rd week of August with production. While it is our second project as a team, I already developed one game before that, named Space Marauder with Construct 2 and published it on Scirra Arcade. Revenue Share can be discussed in detail, but expect to earn 15%. Please note that this is not profit share. You get a piece of the cake, no matter how much we make.

    Some Information on the game:

    • WIP Title ' Shielda'
    • 2D Side-Scrolling Action-Shooter (Metal Slug is main inspiration, supported by Contra)
    • We want to make this a modern game (no chip-rock, pixel art, etc.); The closest from style is a mix between Raze [proportions] & Strikeforce Heroes [gear] (both playable on )
    • Modern mechanics through upgrade trees and the power of choice in equipment.
    • The rough outline of the game is that a country comes under attack and you play as one of the soldiers defending it and eventually lead the counter-attack to stop the war as quick as possible.

    What we offer:

    • We want to build long-term relationships with our collaborators for multiple projects
    • Revenue Share of roughly 15% (terms can be discussed)
    • Collaboration, you don't only work for us, you work WITH us. This means you get some input on our creative decisions of the game.
    • We trust specialists in their field. You have more audio experience than us, this means we will listen to what you suggest.

    We are currently:

    1 Game Designer & Producer - Andreas Lopez aka Uriel1339 (I do a bit of everything, and also am a full-time webmaster, so I maintain our website)

    1 Narrative Designer - WanderingJester (He does all the writing, story arcs, atmosphere, etc.)

    1 Programmer - Florian aka ColonelJustice here on the C2 Forum (Does all the bug eliminating & implementation)

    1 Sound Designer - Many applicants so far, but we are just narrowing it down now to whom we want to go with.

    We look for:

    1 x 2D Artist - Requirements are as follows:

    Base Sprite Creation

    Sprite Animation

    GUI Elements

    Background & Tiles

    Graphic Special Effects (GFX)

    Capability to make sideway Sprites

    Send some work examples via E-Mail or PM on this forum

    Skype (Text-chat is required on a frequent base to keep everyone up-to-date with progress, also to attend 1 of 2 weekly meetings)

    Frequent Communication

    Construct 2 Personal License not required

    Published Assets a plus

    If you have any questions feel free to reply in this thread or message me directly.

  • Congratulations to for landing the gig. As of now we don't need anyone else since he will (for now) fill a bit of both roles for our team project. This thread will be closed. Thanks to every applicant for your time and interest.


    Andreas Lopez aka Uriel1339

  • Uriel1339

    Try this plugin to process string with variables.

    For example,

    1. you could call "Action:Set value" of rex_mustache plugin to save the value of "firstname", like "firstname" = "rex",

    2. and the string saved in CSV might be "Hi, {{firstname}}".

    3. after string replacement by expression mustache.render, "firstname" will be filled with "rex", and get result "Hi, rex"

    Sounds like a quick and simple solution, thanks a lot for your awesome and insanely fast support!