ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • For the record, there should be a thread consisting purely of R0J0hound 's posts.

  • Hmmm I suppose you could have a for each condition that lerps the current x,y to the previous UID's X Y in the chain? but either way, I'm rereading your original post it it looks like you want a solid body. I'd experiment with having one appendage that spawns a duplicate sprite that has a fade effect on t. As the number of appendages increases you can increase the number of instances being spawned/adjust the fade time and see if that doesn't get you what you're looking for.

  • I haven't made a snake game but my thinking is that you might want to try looking into setting an image point outside of your snake head, and additional appendages

    You can have a global variable equaling he UID of each appendage as it is created and use that to give a reference point for spawning new appendages (Pick Appendige by UID=global variable).

    Each appendage sprite could have its own variable for UID that could be set the the UID of the *spawning* appendage and used to set it's position to the aforementioned image point.

    This is all just me thinking off the top of my head so let me know if this is helpful haha.

    Otherwise, I think that if you've found a tutorial that uses arrays, I'd really invest time into getting a handle on it. Arrays are tricky but very useful.

  • It might be beneficial to request this effect in the effects forum.

    My other idea is moving the layer with your player behind the background layer and using the opacity to get the effect (just thinking about the example you posted). -Or you could even add a layer between the player and whatever platforms you have (I'm assuming this is a platformer but I realize you didn't specify that) and get the positioning and parallax synchronized and adjust the opacity of that instance, specifically, that way you maintain that vibrant color.

    You may need to move other layers/objects around too to get things looking right but it could be as simple as that.

  • I would think that you could just set the z order of the white box to a lower number than the gradient box, then set the opacity of the gradient box to lower than 100 (say, 70). I'm not sure a blend mode is required.

  • Final Fantasy 7 isn't listed and is well worth your time. Also, Diablo 2 is the bomb. Sacred is alright. Balder's Gate. I'd look at what Gog.com has available and see if anything speaks to you.

  • Thanks HessamoddinS

  • I'm away from home( so I'm unable to launch C2 and double-check myself), but if you'd like the turrets to point at a different ImagePoint then I think you may want to make your own turret. You can have a sprite rotate toward a location and set that location to the Sprite's ImagePoint X and Y.

    For simplicities sake, you can give the sprite a LOS behavior and then, if it has LOS, Every X seconds it can spawn your bullet.

    Another idea is to continue using the turret behavior and have the bullet rotate or set it's angle toward the ImagePoint that you're looking to be fired upon.

    I think the best option is to design your own turret though.

  • Very cool looking title - love the artwork!

  • Thanks for the link Lancifer !

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  • So I was looking at the release notes for the new version of Construct and it talks about Xbox One? Has anyone released C2 content on that platform? How do you go about that?

  • C-7 has a great implementation of this:

  • This weekend was Blood, and Doom 3: Resurrection ...not sure why I'm getting back into first person shooters but that's where I'm at lol.

  • Hey there,

    Scale Inner has it's limitations, unfortunately ( https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/73/sup ... age-1#h2a6 ). You may want to run an event on start of layout that checks for the window width and height, and scale your items accordingly. I don't have tons of experience at this point and certainly none on mobile platforms but maybe this can help (substituting the resolution parameters for the current window size): https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1258/c ... resolution

    Hopefully this is helpful. Best of luck!

  • You could add the buttons into a family and then make it so that the action is triggered when that family of button is pressed.