UlisesFreitas's Forum Posts

  • 7 Planes Fighters — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>A pack of 7 assets in separated files like name.psd also a name.png is included as a part of this pack of assets.</p><p>All assets are background transparent and 300ppp and CMYK based.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about 7 Planes Fighters

  • 8 Planes Fighters — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <h3>8 Planes Fighters</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>A pack of 8 assets in separated files like name.psd also a name.png is included as a part of this pack of assets.</p><p>All assets are background transparent and 300ppp and CMYK based.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about 8 Planes Fighters

  • Hi mates, i'm here to let you know that my second Construct 2 game is a work in progress a feel free to give me a feedback

    Play on Scirra Arcade

  • A dumb question Ashley when you said "Then export with C2 and copy the files over to the Mac" means to run an Construct 2 export to NWJS or a regular Export to HTML5?

    I'm trying to create my game to run on MAC OSX the game works fine but i'm taking a lot of issues on codesign my app since NWJS documentation is a bit different structured folders, i'm not sure on how to codesign my app successfully, any help will be appreciated .


  • At the moment for me it is impossible to publish my game, I have already followed all the steps of Apple and NWJS from his wiki with the instructions of MAS but there is no human way that works me gives me many errors when doing the codesign because in the Wiki NWJS files are different from those generated by Construct when exporting the game.

    So i'm stuck there i think Construct's developers must bring us an alternative or at least a tutorial very described on "How to publish my Game to Mac Apple Store" since there is a feature that is announced in his Home page, i have 11 o 12 iOS app published one of it's a Construct2 game and in IOS there is no such a complicated process, just use Cordova and everything goes fine, but for Mac is really a mystery how to publish a game.

    Another thing I can not believe is that Construct2 developers with the benefits they have do not invest in hiring developers for Mac and iOS to teach us how to publish our games in these stores.

    Anyway I hope someone helps us with this in the future

  • Hello I have my game finished and since Construct 3 I have exported it to NWJS in MacOSX64 when testing the game works perfectly the question is how do I publish it to the MAS Mac Apple Store I have not a clue how to do it being a .app file not me Lets it upload by Application Loader because it has to be a signed PKG, and XCode will not let me open it either

    Thank in advance

  • Explore the Castle of the Adenocarcinoma, find the secret areas and get the booty.

    With over 30 dungeons full of enemies, there is a procedural creation game, each level is unique and can and should be revisited to get more and more coins and gold bags.

    You have three stores in the game to buy swords, armor and potions.

    • The swords guarantee the increase of the attack multiplied by 25%
    • The armors guarantee the defense and the last armor can repel some of the enemy's distance attacks
    • The potions and chickens give you health points

    On Scirra Arcade

    Available on iTunes

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  • In my experience it is best to keep all assets to the smallest possible size, if we talk about vectors, the best option is the size in pixels with 300dpi, you always have to try that the image size is correct so that during the game Do not have to be resized then you gain in performance.

    Another good option if you create assets to sell is to do it with Illustrator CC 2017, which offers the option of generating several sizes of the same image eg. 2x 3x 4x

    Hope this help.

  • Hi mates, in the making of my RPG game i realize that when i test it on iPhone the layout of my game starts then a few seconds later loads all my global variables, im looking for a way to wait until all my globals are set then start the Level layout

    The case is something like this:

    Global HeroHP int 100

    Global HeroHPKey Text HeroHPKey is for LocalStorage

    So initialize LocalStorage, and assign to HeroHPKey the value HeroHp = 100 with this value set i'm making a HealthBar like HealthBar set With = HeroHp

    Now the issue when the Level starts on iPhone it took some seconds until the HealthBar goes from With 0 to 100 and i don't know how to fix this

    On my Level Layout

    I have "On Start Layout"

    Set HealthBar With = HeroHealthBar

    And "Everytick"

    Set HealthBar With = HeroHealthBar

    Thanks in advance

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Assuming that your character is a Container and has several Sprites that make it up you can refer for example to the Sprite -> LeftArm and check if this overlaping is Enemy then you do damage

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  • 10 Songs for SCI-FY Games — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>10 songs intended to use on your sci-fi, 2d platformers or robot games </p><p>Each song is named a level_0, level_1 and so on to make your life easier.</p><p>important: Read the license.txt yo can use all or one by one these songs </p><p>for any purpose even commercial if you credits the use like "by Ulises Freitas"</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about 10 Songs for SCI-FY Games

  • Starter Template — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>A start template to create the structure of your games with Construct2</p><p>It has several functions to make your life easier when starting your projects.</p><p>It is not an example of a game of platforms or of any type it is only a template in which it is shown like to use data with a dictionary and to save that data in LocalStorage</p><h3>Main Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>All the selected options in Main Menu will be stored on a dictionary named Data, this dictionary contains a pair of Key/Value of sounds, music, firstPlay, fullscreen options, when some value is updated is also saved on LocalStorage so the next time the game loads all data will be restored.</p><h3>Layouts:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • MainMenu
    • Pause
    • DeleteData
    • DeletingData
    • UI
    • Loader

    <h3>Event sheets:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Globals
    • MainMenuE
    • GameE
    • LoaderE

    <h3>Features:</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Main Menu</p>

    • NewGame / Continue Button
    • Delete data button
    • Music On / Off Button
    • Sounds On / Off Button
    • Fullscreen Button

    <p>Level_0 a dummy level to show you how the game pause / restore and a button to back to the main menu.</p><p>When in game user click or touch Pause button:</p><p>Set level background and player paused, the background stops the Sine behaviour and the player stops and no inputs are allowed for the user to move the player.</p><p>important: Read the license.txt yo can use this template for any purpose even commercial if you credits the use like "by Ulises Freitas"</p><p>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFX7w0vBeh8&t</p><p>https://disenialia.com/construct2/my_starter_template</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Starter Template