TonyW's Forum Posts

  • Like with most new web platform features, the supported browsers will change over time. As generally happens new features land in Firefox and Chrome first, and then other browsers catch up. and are good places to check support, although they list different sets of features. Only HTML5test seems to have speech recognition and synthesis, and there are lists of supported browsers here: ... ition.html ... hesis.html

    We also have ScirraMark which is a good way to quickly check a specific browser for C2-related HTML5 features.

    Don't forget if Chrome supports a feature, that means node-webkit and Crosswalk will also support it, and if Firefox supports a feature, Firefox OS will likely also support it (although it's on a slower release cycle).Ashley2014-02-09 14:05:46

    Hi Ashley, im trying to get the "cross walk" to run a speech synthesis app. it works on chrome ... but will not play if you export it to a app with cross walk? am i missing something? \Thanks in advance.

  • hey' how about that speech synthesis for cross walk???

  • [attachment=0:3uz15doe][/attachment:3uz15doe]

    I often create a layout with a pic and a start button... maybe some animation, and in the events im pre-loading the audio.

    when it is completed the button becomes active.

    (to make this your loading layout simply change the "first layout" from default to the desired layout.

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  • I love the art work! great JOB! do you create on request? for $$$ of-course

  • If you have WiFi you can do it like this also, ... al-network

    Just config as shown and run C2 as ADMIN. "then on your tablet" you type the address of the host in your preview browser on your Pc or laptop.

  • thats what I was say'n basically, sorry if i confused you.

  • When I do this I use "every tick" and "system create object"

    create a cloud off the left edge of the screen.. at Y random(300) for the X and Y size you will enter "random(10,100) or what ever you like, this will create random sizes.

    and then a "every tic" to move the cloud "forward" and random(10) or what ever speed you wish.

    this will give you, random size, random speed and random positions

    hope this helps

  • Im not certain... but i think this is the same as a "project ID" and you can get that from here

  • Has anyone figured this out yet? I have published a few apps, and i swear I have seen the option "Live wall paper" in the drop down category for store listing... but I went today to publish one and its not even a option??? any ideas?

  • I am gearing up to do this myself...   but as far as i can tell there is a good bit more to it then just adding the C2 action.   you have to build a data base.    search the tutorials for facebook top scores and there is a guy on there who did about 5 videos on it.   its good stuff.

    good luck!   message me l8tr and tell me how it goes. maybe we can walk threw this togeather.

  • best of luck,   just be sure to use the correct format.


  • your making it way to hard on your self...

    just use the webstorage feature.     create a localvalue "score"

    or what have you..

    it saves to the users computer.

    then in the next release or even another game completely ..

    you can call that data back with the localvalue.   

    hope this helps :)

  • hi, I did something like this before...

    but really all I did was use a every tick that kept the image in the devised area while the image got smaller.   so it appeared to be moving away.   then you could also change layers so that the image goes behind a tree?    you can use a booleen Var,   that when it is active the sprite width -1 hight -1 until the size you want is achieved.

    hope this helps.

  • maybe someone can direct me to a tutorial? fb is saying that it needs to pull the image from a URL.   but the standard post from url method does not work in this case....

    ??? anybody ???

  • Hi All,

    I have a camera effects game that I have made into a fb app,

    I am Familiar with the posting and so on...

    but is there a way to actually post a canvas snapshot to the users wall with a fb post?

    I would like for the user to be able to post there pics they take directly to fb. maybe im going about this the wrong way?

    Thanks for any help