Tokinsom's Forum Posts

    -A String is just text. For example, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" is a string.

    -JSON is basically just a type of data that uses text. In C2 it's mostly used to store all the information about something to use at a later time, like an array, a dictionary, or an entire object's properties & state.

    -Absolute value is a number's distance from 0. Positive is above 0, negative is below 0. abs() is commonly used to just convert a negative number into a positive one. Like abs(-100) turns into 100.

    -Instance Variable is just a variable that belongs to an object. For example, say you make an enemy object. When you place this enemy in the a layout, it is known as an Instance. You can give the enemy a variable like "Strength", and each instance can have a different value for it.

    -Save & Load are built-in actions to save or load your gameplay. I don't use them because you can't access every bit of information that has been saved. Instead I store data in arrays or dictionaries, and save them to local storage as JSON strings. Local storage is just a way for browsers to store data for a bank of data I guess.

    Just keep reading the manual and learn from example .capx's around the forums or on the store. You'll get it eventually

  • Sorry to keep you guys waiting! If all goes to plan the Metroidvania Game Kit will be out this weekend.

  • DurandalCorp "Metroidvania" just refers to the room-based open-world system that both Metroid and later Castlevanias used. I think Metroid did a much better job at it so that's what this is modeled after.

    Anyway, no, sorry. There are collectibles and a sub-screen to see what you have, but no real inventory. They're fairly simple to make and I'm sure there are a few examples and such around here somewhere.

  • ""As for efficiency and performance, frames are packed into texture atlases when exporting anyway, so delaying the processing or not should be negligible.""

    True but now C2 is importing a sheet, slicing, and then putting it all back into a sheet on export, so why bother XD; All this really does is give you extra space for image points and let you crop...meanwhile drastically increasing preview times and bloating your project with thousands of images & folders.

  • Very soon. I lost my internet and SVN server for almost 2 weeks but we're back on it now. Tip: Avoid Comcast like the plague.

  • Refeuh Check out pyxel edit or SuperPowers game engine. They animate by "focusing" cels on a spritesheet/grid instead of slicing a sheet into individual images. This is far more efficient and lets you swap the source sheet on the fly for multiple characters or whatever, among other things.

  • Nope. Technically you can do this with 3rd party plugins that weren't meant for it

    I think C3 is switching to spritesheets over individual frames. More versatile and efficient.

  • C-7 Yeah that doesn't sound too bad, actually. I just prefer dictionaries because of the named keys.

    Off topic but for "item persistence" you mentioned at the end there, I prefer using dictionaries for that too. You can add a key with the object's IID and layout, then refer to that to see if it's collected or not. No need for manual checks or spreadsheet/array reference! I can see how that would be better in some cases, though.

  • fldr The crash was fixed, yes. The feature is still busted though...

  • Script minification hasn't been working for me for a long, long time. I made a thread a while back and the consensus was that only a really old version of java works with C2.

    Had this problem on Win7, 8, and 8.1. Haven't tried exporting with Win10 yet. Don't think that's the problem.

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  • purplemonkey Nope. It's impossible to do without a custom or event-based behavior. I had one person who was interested in doing this but it was never finished.

  • Anyone here added quest / missions to their games? I'm doing this for the first time and would like to get some input on how to go about it. I have a few things in mind but they just sound...rough. My main idea is to just use dictionaries with a custom quest editor to create all the keys and default it'd be something like this:

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Description : String

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Active? : Bool

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Complete? : Bool

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Key1 : Bool

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Key2 : Bool

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Key3 : Bool

    Then when a key object is collected I'd run a loop to see if all 3 have been collected. If so, Quest_GetTheKeys_Complete is set to 1 and the player is able to turn it in.


  • This might help? I never understand how you're supposed to translate this stuff to C2 :T

  • Trying to install but it says info.xml is missing from the root.

  • chrisbrobs MatheusCastellar Yeah but I'd rather pay $10 for a solid, quality shader than get a busted one with no support for free. Sadly this has been the case for a large number of C2's 3rd party shaders and plugins so I tend to avoid them. If everything is free then there's very little incentive to create and maintain quality products.