TobyeRyan's Forum Posts

  • Hey all, I have spent my time during lockdown to make an online-multiplayer card game - incredibly difficult work, but functionally it works now and can play full games!. Now that it's playable, the next step is getting it to look pretty, which bring me to my question: how can I resize or reshape an image to fit within a card border, but without stretching it?

    I'll use Runeterra as an example:

    As you can see, in the first image is a close up of the character, but when you play the card onto the field, the images expands with the border.

    I know there's a lot of work-arounds I could use (such as putting card images on a layer beneath, then the card border images uses blends etc.) but they all get pretty convoluted. Is there a simple way to handle this in C3 that anyone knows of?

  • Due to the covid-19 lockdown I had enough time to prototype a lot of games. I've finally decided on which one to progress with though - a sort of remake of my favourite physical card game (Dragonball Z).

    It was easy to build the initial local version, but making it work online with multiplayer took considerable work to make sure the structure was stable and expandable. There's a ton of complexities to card games when it comes to how effects are created, resolved and interact with other - often conflicting - effects.

    Anyway it's done and functioning from game start to game end without any gameplay glitches. It doesn't look pretty now at all, but happily my next step is hiring an artist! Hopefully I can present something more eye pleasing soon.

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  • I couldn't open your project, but have you made sure you're regenerating obstacles? Sometimes I forget that and have similar issues

  • Can you walk through what the Spawn enemy function is doing and how it works? I see, for example, goon - On created, set skinID to self. UID then calls a function spawn enemy.

    The function looks like it chooses the enemyskin and sets a hit box to the size of the enemy? Is that correct? I'm sorry I'm still learning and instances and UIDs are confusing to me.

    Yup this is all correct :) The reason why I set the skinID to UID instead of just using UID is because in the past with other games I would always run into some sort of issue (like creating holograms of an original unit that all share one health pool), so now from habit I always have some sort of ID variable so I can set as many objects as I like to one ID.

    The reason I create hitboxes separate to the enemy even though they are the same size is again out of habit: in this game it doesn't change much as all, but even if I had another few hours I was going to start adding headshots and trimming back hitboxes, so there would be more hitboxes per enemy and all of different sizes.

    But doing the system as it is allows you to very easily alter the game in the future by creating and pinning different hitboxes to different image points and tagging them with things such as 'head', 'leg', 'weapon', privates', etc. so that you can assign different damage/experience values for each part.

    Also you might notice the timers are being created in an unusual way - this is because using the 'Timer' behaviour doesn't pick objects, so if multiple objects trigger their timer at the same time, it can cause some serious problems (this was one thing that set me back hours trying to debug!). And the reason the time is tracked on a sprite instead of something global like an array is simply because I made it into a module that I can cut and paste into new projects and you can't cntrl+A an array.

    The reason bullets are 'created' instead of 'spawned' is that if you spawn an object, you can't change its angle immediately, you need to wait at least 1 tick, which causes all sort of problems. It's fine for a turret that is rotating 360 degrees, but for weapons that are being mirrored etc. it's much better to use the 'create' action. Lastly you might note some 'wait 0 seconds' actions in the bullet creation - this is because without it some things got wacky, like bullet sprites being pinned to the wrong dmgbox etc. I don't know why it works, just a solution someone shared waaaay back in the C2 days. The reason why setting the team ID before the 'wait' action though is that if a dmgbox spawned over an enemy and the ID was set after wait 0, it would not have changed teams on creation and therefore hit the wrong team.

    That's most of the weird stuff about the enemy spawns, but if you have more questions ask away :)

  • I used to make tons of MP systems in C2 years ago, and after reading your post decided to give it a go in C3 and see if I can help. But everything works perfectly for me on PC, laptop and phone with hosting on different devices.

    Perhaps for you the issue is ports?

  • I feel ya buddy, I'd much rather work on making tools for a more talented level designer to use. I guess this is why the big companies have it as a completely separate job!

  • I don't, but I often use ^ or ~

    Okay thanks a lot buddy!

  • Backslash is an escape character in Javascript. For example "\n" is a line break. So I would suggest picking a different character to separate tokens.

    Okay thanks mate, will do! Do you know of any other special characters I should be wary of?

  • Can you compile it to a HTML site?, that EXE makes me nervous.

    No problem dude, added a link to play it in browser (remember to scroll to the bottom-right of the screen to click the full-screen mode) and a link to the capx if you want to look at the nuts and bolts (but bewarned - it's a hellish landscape in there!)

  • So I recently found out that my text system was incompatible with BBCode as I was using "/" as a token separator. So I went through and changed it to work with "\" instead.

    While it works fine, I noticed that after typing in the variable window it will make every "\" into "\\" instead:

    I'm just wondering if it's a visual bug or something intended? Like I said everything works as though it's only a single backslash (as multiple would throw my coding way out of whack), but I am curious just to make sure I'm not walking into some trap a few weeks of development later.

  • Keep it up :)

    Try to fix minor to major bugs and you will finish soon :D.

    Thanks for the encouragement, but it's over already ^^ I won't do anything more to it, it was just for fun. I learnt a lot though (especially about some very bizarre ways the engine picks things and strange timings using wait 0) which I can use on my main project :)

  • Hey all, I tried to get a game done by myself for Ludum Dare, but half way through day 2 I found a rabbit hole of bugs (lesson learnt: don't rush when in a hurry!).

    Anyway I cleaned out most of the major bugs today, so you can have a look at what I managed to get done in a few days :)

    Play online in browser (fullscreen button in the bottom right):

    Download capx:

    There's no sound, no definite end, scoring is busted, but you can run around, level up, shoot some things and what not. Enjoy!

  • It's just simulate movement but with increased movement speed...

    I don't see how that really works the same. You can't set the angle of movement, just simulate left/right, so you can't shoot down for example.

    Currently the best I've got is with the bullet behaviour, which is equally as simple so I feel rightfully silly, just needed to add some deceleration after the boost period. Still there seems to be a few little issues, but generally it works as I wanted and I can tweak it easy enough from here.

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  • Hey everyone,

    I've recently become obsessed with making cut-and-paste modules (XP systems, inventories, etc. etc.) and now I'm trying to do one that allows 'boosting' in a platformer. By that I mean having the character dash for a certain amount of time in a direction, just like in the old Rocket Knight Adventures game.

    I've tried messing around with gravity angles, but it doesn't work cleanly, as restarting proper gravity just makes the character drop quickly instead of a decelerating drop. I imagined it would have to do with vectors, but I don't really understand how they work - if I put the vectorY to a few hundred he'll go up slowly, a few thousand and he flies through the roof. However with vectorX no matter what value I use he just moves a little bit.

    Here's my capx if you want a look, but there's basically nothing in it, I just tried and deleted a bunch of ideas.

  • Hey all, I was just kicking around some of my old C2 stuff and wanted to make my old experience system for C3 in a way that I could just copy and paste into new projects to save me stuffing around. So here it is for anyone who wants to use it!