ThereBits's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I have a family called "Allies", in this family there are "Warriors", "Archers", "Healers".

    I wanted to make the "Healers" unit move to the nearest low life unit. How can I do this? I have tried in many ways with no result.

    I'm using pathfinding to move units

    Sorry for the translation, soon I start my English course to correct this =D


  • I peaked at your code and did a quick run. Based on the point of view being more from the side than above, do you need pathfinding?

    You could use a hidden sprite to detect when they are in range, and move them to appropriate locations, having them battle there.

    You could also probably use a function to handle moving/battling and simply have them continue moving after toward their target, and when they overlap with say a spawnpoint/base, have them perform a different action (aka attack a base).

    Otherwise I would check debug mode and see what's taking the most cpu cycles.

    Also, regarding improving AI, the event -overlapping another object- can trigger a bunch of different options, maybe with a random function to perform a different attack, like something stronger than a basic attack, or using an ability. If you don't prefer random, you could add an instance variable that adds up over time/attacks performed that then executes the other actions you want to add.

    Smarter AI can be anything from extra actions, and performing actions based on state, so for example, low hp, or when another unit dies.

    Thanks for the answer.

    What would you put in place of pathfinding?

    I put pathfinding because of the obstacles that the scenario will have, and also for the units do not stay one on top of the other.

    Now for the functions I do not have much experience with them, I will read the documentation and try to do what I said

    And the AI I wanted to say was: the units meet intelligently - eliminate the enemy - if there is more enemy in their reach, go to it, otherwise continue to the enemy base.

  • Hello, i'm trying to create a battle system where the troops are created from both bases and the purpose of these units and destroy the enemy base, in the middle of the way I want these troops to fight a battle and who win, continue your way to enemy base.

    If you do not understand my translation (I'm using the translator) here's the C3P that explains the best I want to do.

    In this C3P shows a little of what I want, but it is very heavy even for my pc (I'm developing for mobile phones), another problem is the AI that is not responding well what I want.

    How can I improve performance and AI?

    I appreciate the attention

  • How do I control my character according to the angle of another sprite "Analog"

  • "Create object (by name)" doesn't do any picking. So you need do it yourself before doing actions on your newly created object. Fortunately, a "Pick last created" condition was added to go along "Create object (by name)". Use that in a subevent right under your creation event, and it should work as you wanted.

    Solved my problem, thanks for helping me =D

  • create a loop and repeat 2 times

    create object loopindex = 0 ? "Player"&NomesObjetos : "Enemy"&NomesObjetos on layer background

    set name to loopindex = 0 ? "Name Player" : "Name Enemy"

    Could you put a print of this event if possible?

    I'm not understanding

  • It seems to be beast, but I am not able to put actions on objects created that way.

    I have a family with the variable "Name" and wanted to put values in these variables.

  • If I understand correctly I would just set the array value to “100,200,Player”

    Create object by name of <tokenat(arrayXYZ, 2, “,”)> at location <tokenat(arrayXYZ, 0, “,”)> and <tokenat(arrayXYZ, 1, “,”)>

    Hopefully that makes sense?

    That's exactly what I was looking for!

    I am creating a dialog system with array, and wanted to create specific actions for a single value.



    Could use X Y Z in the array, only they are already busy.

    Thanks for helping me!

    Translated PT-BR / ENG

  • ThereBits - no, those features have moved over to Spriter 2, for the sake of doing them justice. Spriter 2 is in alpha testing/development at the moment.

    Rable That's pretty odd. No idea why that might be happening. If you don't mind, please send your project to, and I'll take a look.

    Thanks for the quick response.

    I wanted to ask you one more question, who has bought the first version of the spriter will have some discount for the spriter 2? I bought mine by steam.

  • Is the mesh already working?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Example:

    Matriz xyz = [0,0,"Player=2 x=100 y=200"]

    I can extract specific elements of this value such as: x=100 or y=200 or Player

    I want to create a sprite using these coordinates.

    For me it is not possible to put this value in each space of the array.

    PTBR/ENG translate

  • I have an application in the play store that I created in construct 2 and compiled with, so far so good.

    Now I want to update my application with construct 3, and unfortunately when I update the apk in the mobile phone, all progress of the local storage is deleted.

    What could be happening?

    Thank you very much in advance


  • Every project I compile gets a white screen for a long time on all my mobile devices. What can be happening? Is it some compiler bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

    I created blank projects with an image in the middle for testing and the problem still persisted.

    Sorry if the translation turned out bad, I'm using the translator. Any translation errors notify me

  • Any project I try to compile for apk does not open on my mobile devices, it gets an eternal white screen.

    My devices: LG, samsung and motorola

    Am I forgetting something? or is construct3 bug

    Project: "new project with some image in the middle"

    I use the last beta of construct 3 r134

  • > Here is my .c3p

    - rename the TestLite.c3p file to and extract.

    - open project.c3proj with text editor.

    - edit line 23

    "bundled": true -> "bundled": false and save.

    -compress folder as zip and rename the .zip to .c3p


    Thanks Finally I was able to update my projects for the new execution time, great work = D