So I've been doing tests of viewports between two computers, one is 1366x768 (on left) and the other 1920x1080 (on right), the game start resolution is 854x480, letterbox scale integer, NWjs V0.47,
however I have 2 different results ...
Is it how NWjs handle different screen sizes, or is it a know bug? Thanks for your time
Please upload something for reproduction. Images and long explanations just make things confusing and difficult to debug. I have a 1920x1080 screen, so it should break on my end.
EDIT :I forgot to ask another question, is it possible to install the most recent versions of NWJS without the NWjsforC2 installation file?
Install to a separate location and copy the files manually. If you do things manually, you also have the option to download the SDK versions from here. There will be no more installers after C2 is sunset, better to get started with it now.