TheCleverName's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Years and years later... NICE!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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    .............. ANd... saving to Chrome as opposed to hard drive is supposed to be preferable, because... WHY!?...

    I avoid using Chrome with its mandatory uncontrollable updates as much as possible, preferring to stick witth Firefox. And I don't want copies backed up on cloud or via a wifi connection; it's too risky for the data to get lost or corrupted. As it is, C3 relies too much on internet for my taste; I only use it because its documentation is so prolific on Youtube. I'd rather have something offline so I don't have to wrestle with wifi or stupid browsers all the damn time, but.

    Is this some sort of Big Brother thing? Selling a bad feature as a good feature by pure brute force of phrasing, as- what, a psychological test? A secret government regulation thing? The chocolate rations "raised", not LOWERED to 20 grams a week? Like with Ableton and various other softwares, just changing to impress it on the public users that our tools are not our own, in reality?

  • Given that Construct 3 has a completely new "Functions" system that bears little if any resemblance to the Function system in all tutorials and renders your original Youtube tutorial obsolete, what guarantee is there that this module for sale would work?... You're not even in my nation, from all available data.

  • 3 posts