TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • If you want a integer number, variableA = int(random(first number,last number));

    Do the animation for each number, make them animate when his number is selected for that slot and you will achieve what you need.

    When variableA = 3 on slot 3, play animation of diamond.

  • Here we know Rad Racer as "top gear" ^^

  • any link with a sample? ^^ My next sandBOX will be about that top view race from Atari =P

  • Kyatric always with the best words on the most suitable situation =]

  • I was talking about Contra have 30 minutes ago ^^

    Awesome to see this old school game style again xD

  • What about micro missiles with AI? A big boss shooting 100x of them with 10 variations, You can waste 2 lines of code to implement what happen with every missile when they launch (a smoke can popup on his cannon) and 2 lines to setup what happen when they hit the player, instead of codding 20 lines of the same code.

    Another sample, when you do moving platforms like in Mario, instead of doing 10 lines of code for each type of platform (sprite and size), put them on a Families and setup this families to be a platform.

    And the last sample. Making a "Cobra" game, you'll need to setup his ammo types, draw them, put them inside a Families, write a code for that Families and only setup what is different between each other, like the amount of life that specific ammo hurt the enemy.


    You can setup everything one by one, but you'll agree with Ashley and the Community when you start to do many enemies and your code start to make you lost inside each repetitive codes.

    To make sure the greatest of Families, you can figure out a planetary game. You setup each planet, setup his families, and them, put all the cities and spaceships, asteroids, everything you need inside families for that planet. When you kill that planet, you can setup to clear all his objects instead of clear one by one, free of risk to bug your game.

  • All we need is for each ordered. That will make it easy to do Z ordering in one event.

    For each ordered: sortfamily.y (ascending)

    - send to front

    Or use a instance variable instead for more custom stuff.

    Sometimes you need to think about beginners <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Because are they easy of use and first impression what will make C2 sell more and be more and more successful.

    I agree, in other words, with you about how to make it. Using Z order right now is difficult, but not impossible for who know programming and eventing, not for who being use C2 and is learning.

    A mixed of visual and code features would be great, I hope this can be considered in the To Do list for a latter release.

  • download and study my code of SandBOX (on my signature) and see the advantages of this great feature. =)

    For a example, you could do the detection of all the walls with 10 events, but I did just one event using families.

    You can make 100 type of enemies with his own behaviors and AIs, and place them inside a families, improving his behavior with even more information.

    We can't live without families anymore, because this is part of a very smart type of eventing, helping you organize codes and saving your time with similar events for different objects and purposes.

  • Because of processing performances it can make your game nonviable for the most part of users.

  • > Perhaps sub-events could just be separately numbered 1, 2, 3... at each nesting level?

    Ashley Not sure what you mean?

    After each event, the sub event count start again, it's like to say 3.1 for the first sub event inside the event 3, but rather than that, it will simple say 1, with an identification (colored, dotted line, whatever) of that event 3.

    How about these?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I agree, but I have to say, that incremental organized index help a lot, independent of everything, when the software way, you have a problem with the event 1531, you'll go rightly there and see the problem, and the context, but using your system pure and without index, how you'll search the problem? Plus, if you reproduce the bad code for many sub-events before testing, what will happen? A mess.

    May a hybrid of these two systems can improve the system and make everyone happy =)

  • Or, just save in folder, go to the xml and edit it replacing what you need <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • What about an Index, layer 1, all the sprites inside it will have an auto-increased index, so, my last sprite will be the 1.14, where 1 is from the layer, 14 is from his Z order in that layer. This way, none of them will have the same index and you'll fine control them.

    Sometimes I use Fireworks, Corel, etc, and there you can feel what the alspal is asking for. In Fireworks don't have the index, but have a list, where the top names are on the top of that specific layer, and top layer folders, where the top layer folder on the list is the top layer showing up.

    What it means is the easy of use. Clicking, dragging and dropping a layer folder is much more easy and intuitive than any other method. And when you place your sprites inside that layer, they will be show inside that layer as a list.

    So, I would suggest, why Our Layer List can't have a list listing all the sprites inside that layer, ordering them by his Z order, with unique Z order for each one?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Taking advantage of this situation, what about the UID being show by his side, in (UID)? Because it being hard to remember or check everytime the UID, but using this, you will make sure to have the correctly UID at least of the objects on the canvas.

    More one suggestion, some drop-down menus by right clicking, like "blocking for edition" (that lock on the image), "hidden", etc.

    Edited: After testing how to reproduce adventure games with C2, believe me, the Z ordering system can difficult it near to the impossible.

    It's all because of the miss of an index where you can organize what is in the front and what is behind the player, who will walk around in a "perspective" World.

    I tried to fix the origin point in the bottom, and check if it's down or up the player origin, and it worked, but when you send the sprite from behind, it hidden behind all other sprites too, but to make it perfect, I tried to organize it with and Code Indexed for each sprite. At least now, with 10 game objects on the Canvas, I have written near to 200 lines of code only to organize what is behind and what is on the front of the player.

  • I'll make another .capx showing how the issue happen.

    The On Jump happen every time you make the gadget jump, but if something is preventing him to jump, the On Landed will happen and his animation will change.

    The problem reflected On Landed, because he didn't really jumped, so, he can't land.

    This happen when you try to jump near the edge of a diagonal wall with the ground for example.


    I was trying to reproduce a video, but fraps is not my beach ^^

    Go under the diagonal wall, near the corner between the ground and the diagonal wall, jump with W, see the bug happening, On Jump worked, On Landed doesn't. Or On Jump should not happen, or On Landed, but if one happen, the another one need happen too, or beginner users will have a hard issue to workaround.

  • sorry, doubled.

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  • Ashley, I was trying to reproduce a Adventure game using C2, but it was difficult because the lack of options around Z order, when you're doing "perspective worlds".

    I think Our next big spot (or behavior) need to have some focus in that Z Ordering things, but that's another talk, for another hour ^^

    About the Maniac Mansion, You can play it inside the The Day of The Tentacle, inside a bedroom, on that old computer looking like a CP500 ^^