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  • I thought of that too but I don't se how that would be done with a walking animation

    altering the xscale on a playing animation would have solved it.. I tried the LiteTween plugin but it wont go from 1 to -1 just from 1 to 0


    going from mirrored to not mirrored in a chosen number of steps...

  • I would like to to something like this:

    while (sprite.xscale > -1){

    sprite.xscale -= 0.05;


    the effect would be kinda like a paper mario turn.

    I can't find anywhere to manipulate the xscale.

    Any thoughts?

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  • >

    > > but obviously still adds about 20MB to the APK

    > >


    > Only if they would fix that make apk smaller


    There's nothing to be fixed. The extra size is the size of the embeded Crosswalk.

    I think I read somewhere that crosswalk is already included in newer versions of android (from 5.0), could be wrong though. This would mean that in the future it will not be needed inside the apk = smaller apk size.

  • Construct 2 has by far the best editor, but seriously it's only for web games. Too much of a hassle if you try to make something else. Almost every one that has started to do something more serious have switched to another game engine. Even though I love construct 2, It drives me constantly to search for alternatives. And now it seems like I've found something else...

    So what did you find then? Please do tell.

  • C2's greatest strength is it's superiour event system. Then there is the large collection of behaviours (both built in and user made) and lets not forget the forums and tutorials.

    The only weakness is the export to mobile as it is 100% dependant on 3rd party wrappers.

  • I was talking about Cocoon IO not Cocoonjs

  • yes I do

  • I'm trying to export to iOS with CocoonIO and they want Provisioning profile and Certificate(p12) but they don't say wich ones, is it for my developer account or for the game?

    Has anyone done this ?

  • No updates on intelXDK yet that I know of, I too have a couple of games built with it that needs updating.

  • volcank I did make one change in CocoonIO: Instead of setting cocoon version to latest I set it to 2.0.0 but it took a couple of days after uploading the new apk before the warning was removed.

  • I just checked again and now the warning has been removed, hopefully it will stay that way

  • volcank Please post what happens.. I made a recompile with CocoonIO earlier (10 hours ago) and it got the warning back.

  • The cocoonIO compiler is said to be updated but the problem persists. I recently put up a new game on google play and the next day it has the same problem.

  • Nope same as part12studios But I haven't compiled anything with CocoonIO after I updated C2 to r222 beta today and that was to get rid of audio glitches with IntelXDK

  • Never bothered with that before.. I just make my games universal but yeah you're right CocoonIO only has one place to upload icon.