Taximan's Forum Posts

  • Some moderator could look at this problem, I really do not know what to do.

  • I also thought about it.

    If you turn off the screen of the mobile, when you turn it on, the gray line disappears and the game is displayed in full screen, I've seen it a few minutes ago.

  • sizcoz> The best bet is to probably use scale outer.

    That was the first configuration I used (I've already tried all the possible configurations) and the gray line never disappears.

  • A photograph of the problem on the phone

  • deaddisk > Same problem here, no solution for this problem? I tried every combination, nothing works...

    Can you tell me what your configuration is, or do you have any idea why this happens?

  • I have done more tests, with the same result.

    Kyatric> If it is, do you use the browser plugin "Set full screen" action ?

    I did this, but it did not work ...

  • ihvan020 It would be helpful to see your event sheet.

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  • To reduce the memory I had to convert many sprites to tiles, put many sprites in 1 and use the minimum size of sprite sheets.

    Now the game needs a maximum of 380 megabytes (before almost 600). 380 is not much, but it requires a lot of extra optimization work.

  • I continue to receive many negative reviews for the consumption of RAM in games.

    They only work on phones with 3 or more gigasbytes of memory.

    My downloads have decreased by 50% since I use C3.

    Will it continue working on ram consumption, or is it a "resolved" issue with the latest changes?


  • This is my current configuration (I have tried with all)

    The image I made with photoshop, is what happens when I export it on android (I have tried on several different phones).

    The gray bar does not appear in the preview, only when I run it on android.

  • I have tried all the screen settings, but whenever I export for android, a gray line appears at the bottom of the screen.

    I use the C3 rumtime, I am currently working on 3 games, the other 2 work well in full screen.

  • Ashley

    Are you using the latest release? The latest versions already group different objects on to the same spritesheet if they are consistenty used together on layouts across the project.

    I use the 135. I do not know if we have to group the sprites in any way, or C3 does it automatically.

  • Ashley > This is actually worse for memory management. Construct can only load or unload entire objects in to memory. If lots of objects are combined in to one it forces Construct to load everything, making it likely memory is wasted. If they are kept as separate objects there is better granularity to load some but not others, saving memory.

    Group all the sprites that always appear together and only with the platforms the game needs 300 megabytes less.

    This is the sprite sheet.

    It is much more effective than this, which is what generates C3 by default.

  • I have the same problem with my games.

    To save memory you can group many objects in a single sprite (each sprite animation being a different object). This will "cheat" construct and group all those elements into a single sprite sheet.

  • If your game is for PC platform, I do not think it has any problem, C3 has very good performance. If it is for phone you will have to be very careful with memory usage.

    Also remember that disabling events using groups releases a lot of CPU.