tarek2's Forum Posts

  • Awesome work cant wait to see the next ones, Thanks for sharing with us, there are not many tutorials like this to create assets and characters for Games so keep it up the good work. can I recommend something that you can add on the tutorials, is something that we struggled at the beginning and we looked at hundreds of tutorials but none of them mention it, and is the most basic

    Things like before you start the art:

    What is the size of the canvas that you set are there any rules that you follow? depends on what you drawing? do you set the canvas size according to the game resolution where is gonna be placed? example the game is gonna be at 1920x1080 so do you set the canvas to that size or it doesn't matter

    Can you zoom while you drawing to pint small parts or is not recommended because it breaks the art?

    What is the recommended size for the stroke to draw so it doesn't break after once is placed into the Game?

    How do you export them? and at wich size do you export them?

    And also the same thing for drawing the characters do you draw them at the size that is gonna be shown in the Game or doesn't matter? I had a lot of problems using photoshop because when the art where done and placed into the game all the stroke it was pixeled it was so hard to find the proper rules to follow to avoid that until we switched to adobe illustrator, watched at almost all the paid and no paid tutorials on the internet none of them mention this so will be great if you can explain the base and fundamentals for this.

    Also, +1 to what jobel wrote, I will be really interested in that too

    [quote:12sczhy1]well I think tiled assets is good to go over, tilemaps and repeating backgrounds

    Sorry for so many questions but is something that you cant find anywhere Thanks man

  • I've fixed up a few things but when i shoot it only goes to the right, is there any way i can shoot the way that my character is facing?

    http://www.dropbox.com/s/e77za7hle3l7ip ... .capx?dl=0

    I must be blind haha because I can't see any shooting here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    That's the only thing I could find referencing to this and here you follow not shooting


    On here I just see that you spawning Enemies every 5 sec

    And if the have Line of sight then you trying to make them follow the player but here are the problems what i see:

    1-you moving at the Angle ( X ) ?? and Distane ( Y )??


    that's wrong when they ask you to enter the Angle you should enter the angle between enemy and player

    Then on the Distance, you should enter the Speed to move the enemies

    Something like this


    2-You have a conflict between the two ways that you add for moving Enemies, one is the bullet and the other one is the (Move at Angle) so the bullet is moving at the right which is at angle 0 the default angle and then you have where is the line of sight event the (Move at Angle) so both are fighting there for moving the enemies

    So or either you move by (bullet behavior) or either move by (Move at Angle) you cant have both at the same time, if you change the Move at Angle the same as the last picture I showed you and disable the bullet for the enemies and it will work

    Or if you wanna move them by Bullet behavior then you just replace the Action from the line of sight event to

    Enemy>>> Set bullet Angle of motion To >>> angle(Enemy.X, Enemy.Y, Player.X, Player.Y)

    I'm gonna leave you some tutorials to have a look you should read them before you carry on they will help you a lot to avoid future Problems



  • Thank you this helped a lot

    No problem mate


    Also do you's know how to get the enemy to follow you i've tried a few other tutorials but they don't seem to work

    I posted some examples on here you can have a look, basically, the simplest way is using the Line of sight and set the Follow range to whichever you like





  • Badmiracle

    I had the same problem while ago and this is how I resolved, I hope it helps


    you can change the Movement speed changing the Values on the Global variable "Speed"

  • I did all that but now for some reason when i start the layout the Player flies off the screen even know i set it to spawn at a certain spot, i think it might be something to do with the layout size and margins

    Is working fine for me you must have placed them wrong check where are placed on this capx


    Also I noticed a small delay on (Animation change) when you change directions you can reaplace them with something like


    another thing you don't need to create new events when you already have one where you can place all the action on there is the same thing, I'm talking things like "On Start of the Layout" you have a few there one after the other just move all the Actions to one "On Start of the Layout"

  • KingKong1234

    And you forgot at the start of the layout to set the playerAnimation position to the Player and this has to happen before the Action where you pinned to the Player that it should fix the invisible wall problems

    What was happening is you pined the playerAnimation right at the start of the layout without positioning first to the playerbox position so both were pinned but one in one corner and the other in another corner

    One more thing I saw that you have the playerbox image point in the middle so for the playerAnimation will be better in the middle just a correction from my first comment where I said put them on the middle bottom

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  • dropbox.com/s/9n02xbfz34dzufk/Survivor.capx

    For the Animation, all the Image points are off positioned in different places that's why it jumps, you should place all on the same spot example right at the bottom middle of the collision box of the character

  • This is the file for my game

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/rkr0n8213ugxl ... aproj?dl=0

    The link for the Capx is not working for me

  • rbailey83 No problem man I hope you feel better

    [quote:k5guynxz]The events 20 and 21 I didn't actually have them in at the same time when I was testing, I just put them in for the screen shot to show the two ways that I had tried to do the < 0 health event is all.

    see what you mean now sorry I didn't get what you meant at that time

    [quote:k5guynxz]I feel like an idiot, that is so obvious now after looking at the example project you posted

    you shouldn't feel like that is normal and is gonna happen very often, sometimes you don't see it at the first glance but you see it on the second or third etc..... especially in the beginning, to be honest I still do a lot of crazy things either for (tiredness, bored, Brain collapse, no enough Oxygen on the brain, etc...) that's why I make sure to review my events many times and especially on a different days because on a different day fresh it may you can see something that you didn't see before.

    [quote:k5guynxz]If i could recommend you for some kind of forum award for being helpful I would definitely be doing that.

    Hahaa Thank you very much sir, Even that the Award Tittle is far way bigger than the actual job it was done, That has to be one of the Coolest forms of Gratitude and appreciation that I see around, Is a pleasure to help colleagues like you


    You see Talking about Review on different days today looking at the capx again I Spot a bug:

    When you fight with the Enemy and it happens the scenario that all the Eight Tiles neighbors surrounding the Enemy Are Inactive the Even 15 it wouldn't Run because all the Tiles are inactive included the Enemy Tile therefor the Detector will stay on the screen

    Example if this is the scenario and if you defeat the Enemy


    One way To Fix that you can change to this:


  • Rhindon

    I see what you mean now

    Cool glad you fixed

    Another thing if is just one frame animation you could do everything through one object and if you need to apply some special action to one of them only you can Ad an Instance Variable example : "Type" then on each one just add like ShipCourse1, ShipCourse2, ShipCourse3 etc.......then you can pick up any ship through that variable

    Capx: I put the Variable here but I didn't use it is just to show you


  • Rhindon

    This what I understood

    On touched battlefield

    And is touching (ShipCourse) : then destroy it and add 1 NodeGridCounter & Update all remaining the

    (ShipCourse) frames

    Else is not touching (ShipCourse) And (NodeGridCounter < 5) = Create ShipCourse & add 1 to NodeGridCounter

    Is that correct?


  • Hi Rhindon

    I don't fully understand properly what you trying to do but one thing I notice in the event 3 where you compare this:

    ShipCourse.OrderID > PlayerShip.NodeGridCounter :

    Action: Subtract Self.OrderID From Self.OrderID

    Is it not that all the ShipCourse that meet the condition will become OrderID = 0 ?? so you set the animation Frame to 0

    I read it many times what you trying to accomplish but I still can't understand fully

    Maybe if you explain it just step by step will be much easier to understand and maybe we can find an easier solution


    1-On tab (battlefield) >>>>What you referring here anyway is the water or background or something like this?

    2-Is touching ShipCourse >>> I wanna this to happen

    3-I wanna this to happen and so on

    Just my two cents

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