tarek2's Forum Posts

  • I did an example of how to add text logs dynamically and scroll them with a slider that may help you or at least get some ideas.

    Here is the link:


  • Thanks, it seems a bit convoluted way to stop the top loop, but it does work ok.


    Once you understand how it works it becomes natural.

    I had seen posts with ashley mentioning to leave the loops on same event for nesting

    My guess is he was referring to when you dont need to stop the Loops accurately in that case you can leave the loops on the same event.

    The loops have been working like this since Construct 2:

    You can run a test on C2 and see that it works the same.

    Here is an example:


  • Check that all the Gameplay layers are at the same Parallax value. It looks like the big character BG could be in a layer with Parallax (0,0), this is the first thing I will look at.

  • When you use the "stop the Loop" it will stop the loop on that current scope so because the "CheckY" loop is the bottom one is the one that stops.

    To avoid this I like to split them into two nested loops so you can stop them independently. To stop the top "CheckX" loop I use a boolean or variable.

    Here is an example:


  • Hi Ashley

    Has this issue been fixed?

    That bug report is from "Jun 12, 2020" nearly 3 years and is still not working for me.

    I tested on a Galaxy 8 and it always returns 0.

    Tested both (Web export & Android Debug APK)

    I spoke to other devs and say that the "Native version" should work so why can you not implement that?

    Also, someone made a plugin here:


    I dont know the person, why not implement it as an official?

    How long more are you planning to wait?

    As this is an important plugin it shouldn't have taken that long, it's hard to place the UI without this info.

  • Thank you! Sorry, I'll try to make that next time.

    I'm gonna look into that plugin. I also got advised on reddit to use tween and have been looking into that. Have it installed but still figuring out how it works. Which one do you think is better for what I'm doing?

    Funny I was gonna recommend you that too the "LiteTween"

    Both are really good.

    I use the MoveTo the most but you may find LiteTween more useful as that is not just for moving staff as it is used normally for tween objects.

    MoveTo is my favourite for GamePlay and some UI moving etc... You will see why when you test it.

  • If you are just worried about the Assets part only:

    When you say new Assets are you referring to the same assets spawned again?

    1-If you are gonna spawn the same assets in the same layout then it will load faster than the first time you loaded this layout, as they are already loaded into the memory so Construct reuses them.

    2-If you change the layout and the new layout uses the assets from the first layout then it will reuse them so those assets will load faster as they will keep them in the Memory and any other assets that are not used in the new layout will be removed from memory.

    So the ones to watch:

    The ones that take longer to load are the new assets that are not loaded into the memory yet.

  • Odd, for some reason your new example isn't shooting at all, lol. But I think i get it, I forgot loopindex was a thing.

    Have you activated any of the two Groups?

    there is a note right there:)

  • Is gonna be impossible for anyone to help you if you dont share a minimal project so other users can have a look at it to find the issue. So if I was me I will create a small demo with the less (code & objects) as possible just with enough code to recreate the issue as no one will go through big chunks of blocks of code trying to understand what's going on.

    For moving UI objects etc... I like to use "MoveTo" Plugin from Rex as it has the trigger when they arrive at the Target position so you can do different stuff like opening new panels etc...

    Though you dont need any plugins as you can replicate it as you do, but it makes it easier as it takes care of everything, you just give target (XY) or (UID) and done, then wait for the trigger to let you know that it arrived to target destination if you need to.

  • Like a Tank style?

    I haven't seen any behaviour though you can create it manually:

    Here is one way:


  • Interesting, and what about for attacks that aren't angled towards the player? like a 360 burst style thing?

    Is the same logic but more bullets spread across the 360 degrees.

    Basically, any burst will be the same logic, the only thing difference is:

    -How many bullets to shoot

    -And between which Angles to spawn.

    -Set Bullet Angle

    I Reuploaded the example, you can download it from the same link above.

    Also, I fixed a small mistake on the ImagePoint name I put "Bullets" instead of "Bullet", it should be fixed now.

  • It was more of a guide to know what you need to do, not for copy-paste sorry.

    A tip for the future, if you start typing construct it will show you all available expressions so you just need to pick the ones I showed you.

    Here is an example to make it easier:


  • Try Construct 3

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  • -Add the bullet behaviour to the bullet

    -When you spawn the bullets set Sprite.bullet.Angle_of_Motion, which normally will be something like:

    angle(Boss.X, Boss.Y, Player.X, Player.Y) + maybe some variance to spread the bullets

    -Also, you could add image points on the boss if you have a specific point on the boss that you want the bullets to spawn from, then you can use the same set angle of motion but this time referencing the image points.

    angle(Boss.imagepointX("Name"), Boss.imagepointY("Name"), Player.X, Player.Y)

  • It doesn't have reverse typewriting though you could do one manually.

    Here is an example:


    You just need to adjust the time to the one you find more suitable.

  • Your events for loading the Array JSON look good apart from:

    -Event 1:

    On start of layout "Wait for previous Actions" is not needed there as you dont have any actions after that that need to wait.

    -Event 2:

    Ajax On "InfosVideos" loaded:

    "Wait for previous Actions" is not need it there either as you already waited for the trigger to trigger when the JSON its been loaded and ready with AJAX.

    Though afaik that should have no effect so I would be surprised if that is the source of the issue. You could remove them and test again to see if makes any difference and if not it might be a good idea to share a small example so other users can test it and debug it.

    Normally the first thing I will do is to see if the Array is loaded properly by printing them on the screen the Json after loading it but since you say that it works well on preview and on web export I dont think that could be the issue.