tarek2's Forum Posts

  • Is the same as an "Every Tick" event.

    I like to leave them empty so I can identify them quickly while looking through my events.

  • Use "is touching" instead if you need continuous moving as the On Tap is a "Trigger once"

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  • Jesus (18K Grass objects + Effects + Sine Behaivor) thats a lot))

    I assume that you saw my last example with Tiled Backgrounds but you still want to do it with single objects right?

    If you want to go that road then the first thing you need to do is to keep the Grass object count under control. So we can do this by setting a max Width size for your Spawner so they dont get too long and then we can calculate which one is near the viewports (Left or Right) and then (Spawn or Destroy) the grass.

    If the spawner is too long then you will be spawning more than you need as some of them will spawn offscreen, so by keeping the width sort you can control the spawn by just spawning the necessary that will be on the screen.

    I modified your project:

    There are two options:

    1-(Spawn & Destroy) as you need but I dont know how big your levels are. so you could have issues with "Garbage collection" and run in some stutters but as it is now I haven't noticed any, it runs quite smooth in my laptop.


    2-Options2 is by recycling the Grass so you dont have to keep (Destroying & Spawning)

    So here will only spawn a grass object when there isn't any grass available to use, which is good for "Garbage collection".

    Test them both and see which one works better for you.


    On my laptop runs quite well:

  • This is what I got when I try to open your cp3.

    Dont you have a capx?

    Hoh sorry I missed that this was for C2 forum section.

    This will replace all the (Tiles = 4) with (Tile = 15)

    Here is C2 Capx:


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  • Hey, thanks for your ideas.

    Could you descant a little more about the second method?

    This will create 5 trees at any random (Tile = 4) every time you click spawn trees:


  • I like the TiledBG method, and it also supports tile randomization now, so you can make your grass look random.

    Yep, I like the TiledBG too, also you wouldn't have to worry about any performance issues.

    Indeed the new Randomization + Mesh deformation to skew the Grass to give that grass-moving effect can give great results.

  • Something like this?



    having the best performances

    For performance, I will definitely use Tiled_Background, Preferably (2 or 3) variations and choose one random. This is if you need some randomness if not then you can use just one.

    I will try to make an example if I have time.

  • The score is your timer "timw" right?

    You add to the timer and right away you set the txt so it shouldn't be any problem with anything interfering with those events as they run one after the other.

    Did you make sure that you print the score in the right Txt object?

    Also, "Console log" the variable "timw" after you add 1 and press F12 to see if it works

    Also, "Console log" the Txt after you set the Txt to the "timw"

  • Potentially critical errors on the user's part, in terms of accidentally overwriting something they didn't intend to, saving something in the wrong place and creating duplicates, etc.

    I agree, it happened to me a few times when I click on the wrong File and it nearly overrode it, good I spot it on time.

  • All of a sudden Construct is prompting me to Save As all the time, and it opens to a folder

    Same here it's been doing for a while, I think since R335, I was gonna open a thread to ask the same thing.

  • I created a feature request for the first one "Link to the original Source file"

    If anyone is interested please vote here:


  • I opened the suggestion (again since it vanished the first time round :V)


    Awesome! Thanks a lot, I will add it to the OP and vote for it.

  • Thanks for the reply. I'm a noob in coding so far, so I'm sorry for stupid code and questions)

    No worries, there are no such stupid questions, we've all been there. Ask as much as you need. The people that ask questions learn quicker))

    For some reason if I add text to Police container it creates 2 polices and explodes them when created as they overlaps each other:

    When you use the container remember that:

    1-If you spawn the policeman then the Txt will be created with it

    2-Or vice-versa if you create the text the policeman will be created with it.

    And if you destroy one of them then the same thing happens both get destroyed.

    So basically just spawn the Policeman and the text will be created automatically.

    You can read more about containers here:


    I you use containers then you dont need to pick using the Hierarchy as when you Pick any of the two objects (Policeman or Text) it will pick the other ones inside the container automatically.

    Here is an example with containers:
