Minoterrae , are you still looking for programmer ?
apologies aviata, haven't see this message in last 3 months, I feel you have already got this done.
Let me know if you need any help.
— ... I could see it is not supporting some fonts, when I browsed though it, what is the reason for this.
Gamefreaks1234 ... it is not very high, but good for newbies and people are who would like to have somthing then nothing.
LittleStain - I know it can be done and even I have done some games, like I have already made pandalove, memory match etc... catch is developer has to just code, rest will be provided by me.
excellent work
I am looking for programmer(s) :
Needs to make very easy games and won't take more than 2-3 hrs and payout is also less due to game complexity, you don't have to design, but just coding and bug free.
If interested contact me or mail me
I am trying to effect enable/disable based on object UID.
I am creating 6 instance of object and then picking individual object based on condition and trying to enable/disable effects.
But it is not working, I saw it is working as a object not as a instance i.e. disable/enable to all instances.
Any workaround ?
Viuletta - Are you still looking for programmer?
MathNook, if it is not closed, let me know.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks Ashley, is it possible that I can use openpeer or peerjs or simplewebrtc ?
For the commercial purpose, not good to use the Scirra server, one should host his own server and scale as he wanted.
Hey Maxxscape this looks superb, how did u manage to spin red/white circle, I can see it takes care of direction and speed/force.
What logic you have in it ?
Thanks mate
Well I was not having good idea of physics, that is why I wasn't able to make that time, but today after some reading/learning/ I was able to make.