Snalec's Forum Posts

  • Got it working! Thank you both for the help!

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  • Hello,

    I started working on an enemy that drops down from trees when the player gets close to it. It all works, however, all instances of this enemy seem to be tied to the first instance of the enemy. For example, when I trigger the one enemy to fall down, all instances of the enemy, no matter where they are on the layout, fall down too. I'm not sure exactly what's causing it.

    Here's a link to my project file:

    Thanks in advance!

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  • That worked! Thanks! Glad I know about that timer feature now. It will be useful when programming other enemies.

  • Hello,

    I've been working for a few hours trying to set up some simple enemy ai.

    Here is what I want my enemy to do:

    1. Wait for 0.5 seconds

    2. Choose to move left or right for 0.5 seconds

    Then I just want this to loop forever.

    Tutorials I have watched have suggested giving the enemy platformer behavior, setting up an instance variable, and setting certain values of the variable to correspond to left, right, etc.

    I first tried doing this (with 1 being sitting still, 2 being left, and 3 being right):

    When variable is 1 > wait 0.5 second

    set variable to 2 or 3

    When variable is 2 > simulate left

    wait 0.5 second

    set variable to 1

    When variable is 3 > simulate right

    wait 0.5 second

    set variable to 1

    This would make the enemy rapidly switch between left and right at inconsistent rates. I'm not sure exactly why this happens. My best guess is that, since the variable is always 2 during the event, it resets it instead of waiting? I'm really not sure.

    Thanks in advance!


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  • I'm trying to use events to change the rate of a particle effect. I want it to go from it's default rate of 10 to 100. I used the "Set rate" event, but the rate doesn't change. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

  • I couldn't figure out how to upload a picture directly to the forum, so I just created a quick Google site and uploaded the picture there. The last bits of it get cut off, but they are essentially if A is down simulate jump, of left arrow is down simulate pressing left, and if right arrow is down simulate right. Again, since I'm new to all this, I started off using a tutorial. However, the tutorial didn't cover key features such as running, so I stopped using it. After that I just did stuff myself. It's probably really inefficient. It works however. I'm guessing I'll probably just start from scratch and make something that is more convenient.

    Here's the site with the picture:

  • Hello! I'm new to Construct 2 and thought it would be fun to make an attempt at making a Mario game. Since I'm new, I've been using the free version, which limits me to 100 events. However, this is causing me to run into a problem. Currently, to animate Mario, it takes 34 events. However, Mario has multiple states he can be in, such as big, small, fire, or star. Each of these require different animation though. With my limited amount of events, I can't just duplicate the 34 events to make these different power up states. So, is there a potential workaround? Thanks in advance!

  • Thanks!

  • Hello everybody!

    I'm pretty new to Construct 2 and have a question regarding my Mario-ish platformer. In Mario, when the run button is held, Mario's speed gets gradually quicker until he hits max speed. Is there a way to replicate this in Construct 2? The answer may be simple, but, like I said, I'm new to this.

    Thanks in advance!