I couldn't figure out how to upload a picture directly to the forum, so I just created a quick Google site and uploaded the picture there. The last bits of it get cut off, but they are essentially if A is down simulate jump, of left arrow is down simulate pressing left, and if right arrow is down simulate right. Again, since I'm new to all this, I started off using a tutorial. However, the tutorial didn't cover key features such as running, so I stopped using it. After that I just did stuff myself. It's probably really inefficient. It works however. I'm guessing I'll probably just start from scratch and make something that is more convenient.
Here's the site with the picture: https://sites.google.com/site/construct2help1/
Alright, i thought you were saying to do one of those animations was 32 events vs all of them = 32. i dont know if atm this is just a test to ensure everything works or if thats the code you're planning to run with, but it seems you have a lot of "if S pressed set variable to x" "if variable is x, set animation", would you be able to simply say "If S Pressed, set animation"? and then just loop the animation in frame editor? also in instances where you have "when X Happens, set animation" "on animation finish, Do Y" , you could try to just add a wait function, and time out how long the animation is. (helpful hint: Animation speed is in frames per second, so total frames / frames per second = seconds per animation.)
If the keyboard triggers are in for the final game, i would suggest working around the variables, though i know sometimes ill hook animations upto number keys just to check that they work, so im not sure which is the case in your situation, but most things can fit in one event. such as , on x collision with y, destroy y, play sound, set x scale to 1.5, wait 3 seconds, set x scale to 1.
learning to package events is a skill you'll learn over time, and a very valuable one if you plan to use the free version. if event limits are truly an issue, i suggest maybe trying out construct2 vs construct3beta, as it has a 100 event limit for free version, though this is not a viable option for all people.
heres a title screen a made last week, shes a pretty one. but it shows how you can layer everything into literally one event. granted this file isnt interactive, but look for things you find yourself doing over and over and try to link them together somehow. hope i helped somewhat.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/tinenf98waub3 ... C.c3p?dl=0