Smedis2's Forum Posts

  • Wow, thanks! Wasn't expecting such a good example file. Cheers!

  • It's been a while since I've posted here, but I've been meaning to get back into making stuff. One thing that's always bugged me about Construct while making games is how seemingly rigid the platform movement is. That's not to say it's horribly buggy or anything, but trying to do more advanced movements while making it feel smooth feels near impossible. Namely, knockback and other general physics forces.

    It's not too difficult to fake, just change acceleration and whatnot to make it appear smooth, but its incredibly limiting knowing that any acceleration will affect the player's own inputs. Take for example wind being blown in one direction. In the case of C2's platformer movement, if you wanted to make it feel more natural, you'd end up making the character feel like they're on ice no matter what direction they're pushing. If the player has Mega Man-like tight controls, walking into the wind would make them slide around even when walking into it.

    Is there any way, hacky or not, I could keep an object's walking acceleration to be instantaneous while being able to be affected by physics forces pushing it in a direction in one way or another?

  • I've been trying to make a beat 'em up style game for a while now, and I've hit a roadblock. I want to make enemies detect others of their same kind so they don't clump up next to each other.

    I can't easily make "Enemy" and "Enemy" collide without them both doing the same thing. I've wanted to also make a single-use family so I could implement the ability to pick up and throw enemies and have them collide with each other, but ran into a similar roadblock.

    This has been bugging me for quite a bit. Any suggestions?

  • Hello! I'm working on a game with an overworld where you can choose between levels. What would be a good way to log the player's end results on a level-to-level basis (eg finish time, ranking, etc)? I want to make the game display these when you hover over the levels after they're beaten and encourage replaying the levels to get the best end results.

  • Hello! I've been using Construct 2 for the past 3 years and I've gotten quite a lot out of it. However, at the time, I had purchased a Steam license, and this has caused me a few issues.

    I'm not super fond of having to leave Steam open 24/7 to access it and certain computers I use just flat out won't let me install Steam in the first place.

    Is there any way to transfer over Steam licenses to a normal product or will I have to pay the full $200 all over again?

    Best regards, Smedis2

  • I've been working with Construct 2 for the past few years, and I've been blending maniuplating the X and Y positions of objects alongside using the built-in behaviors. However, I've noticed that the behaviors' speeds and accelerations are not done in pixels, but another value which I'd like to understand more about so I can manipulate and work with them more precisely.

    What constitutes for a single pixel in terms of the platform/eight direction behavior? What's the math behind it that determines the rate of movement?

  • Is there a way to get sprites to grab the image from another sprite? I think it would be useful to be able to do this for standarized death animations enemies and such.

  • Thank you all for your answers! All of these seem close the ideas I had in mind. I was wondering if there was an in-engine way of messing with the way sprites are drawn, but these will work too.

  • Is it possible to manipulate sprites by line or pixels? Is there an effect or plugin something that can do this? Using an example here (done by sliding a solid white sprite on a solid white background)

  • I've been trying to get that to work, but I run into a bunch of strange issues. Is it possible to use CanvasToLayerX on bullet angles or do you have to physically move the bullets to the player's layer?

  • Hello again. I'm trying to make a vertically scrolling SHMUP game, and I've found that the way I have the game set up seems to cause some issues with bullets that aim at the player.

    The player is put on a layer that has (0,0) parallax scrolling above a playfield that is moved via a camera. Presumably, the bullets are searching for the literal X and Y position of the player as opposed to using where they are screen-wise. Question is, is there a good way of circumventing this (or maybe using another camera system entirely)?

  • Through some sort of magic and fiddling around, I've somehow managed to fix it. Thanks for the help.

  • Nothing is impossible.

    What I can tell from your screenshot looks fine to me.

    The problem probably lies in the way you "restart" the stage.

    Are you restarting the layout?

    Or are you scrolling to a specific point in the layout?

    Because when restarting, the stagearea variable should be set to the stage's checkpoint number, correct?

    If your current game isn't too big, a .capx would be very helpful too.

    Also, adding a "Trigger once while true" to the last condition in your screenshot would be good too.

    (It probably doesn't solve the problem, but it's a nice habit to add it to conditions that don't have to trigger every tick)

    Restarting the stage involves resetting the layout, yes. If I add a check to make sure it doesn't get change the "stagearea" variable until the level intro sequence begins, the global variable remains the same throughout until the level actually begins.

    If I were to send you this, I'd probably have to cut out a lot of stuff, so I'll just send over a video to show what's wrong. This is with the "for each" event cut out, so it happens a bit differently than I described in the video.

  • In an attempt to save me the hassle of having several different stage checkpoint objects, I decided to have a system that relies on a global variable and a variable that changes depending on the checkpoint area triggered.

    For example, if one were to enter a room with a checkpoint with the variable number 15, it would set the "stagearea" global value to that number. This part seems to work fine. However, when restarting a stage after dying, the game, for whatever reason, decides to either pick the starting point of the level or the very LAST checkpoint in the stage.

    (The "scrollding" variable isn't important in this)

    Is there something wrong with the way I set up these events, or is this just simply not possible to do?

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  • Hello. I've returned again to deeply annoy and infuriate people with my questions about making a Mega Man-styled moving camera again. Yaaaaaaaay.

    What I have set up here uses 2 different camera objects. If camera 1 is not near a border, it uses camera 1 as a scrolling point. If camera 1 is NEAR a border, then it uses the fixed-position camera 2, which gets the X position of the screen border.

    The problem I'm facing is that once the scrolling finishes, it instantly flips back to the first point it was at as opposed to progressing. I feel like the issue is caused by the fact the setup doesn't know how to detect that it's past the "acceptable" camera stopping point when it gets done scrolling.

    Here's the camera and bug in action.