simprose's Forum Posts

  • Mine does not update.. i´m still on 104

    If you download the one from the 'beta' channel, then it is the latest 109 version on my end.

  • Hello all,

    I'm starting to develop a top-down style sci-fi action RPG with a unique premise: every game is completely randomized! Enemies, side quests, loot, levels, everything. I'm new to Construct 3 and I am looking for a lead programmer for the project. It can be a limited pay position (with the caveat that I am not wealthy or funded by anything except myself) or rev-share type thing (ideally).

    A bit about me: I've been an indie game designer and programmer for over 20 years, owning 3 indie game companies and releasing a total of 18 indie games for sale through Steam and 2 other publishers. I am not a fly-by-night person who will get bored and move on after a few months, leaving you with nothing for your time and effort. My company on Steam is SimProse Studios.

    I think it would be easier and quicker to hire a good programmer to do this and get it moving. I wish to hire an animator and/or graphic designer with the same arrangement once the bones of the game are in and working ok.

    The person or team should be at least somewhat experienced with making an RPG or related game on Construct 2 or 3 (I plan on using 3). The game will go onto Steam when completed. I think this one has the potential to be huge if it is finished properly.

    You can contact me here or at my email: or on Skype too.



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  • Hi all!

    I'm a former Visual Studio/RPG Maker MV developer making a jump into action games with Construct 3! I'll be searching for members for my new game shortly as well.

    I've been making indie games over 20 years now, and this is the language I think i've settled on for my next project.

    I really like how simple and easy it is to develop games using this tool! Hope to chat with you all later.