Shubi's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I have implemented AJAX in one of my games to retrieve data and i noticed that it showed the same data even after i restarted the game with no internet!

    After some testing it seems like once the data is retrieved by AJAX, it stays saved somewhere even after closing the game! And when we open it again, it triggers the "ajax request completed" with the old data!

    Please find the attached capx!

    Steps to reproduce :

    Preview with Internet connection!

    Close Preview!

    Preview again without Internet Connection!

    AJAX "On Request Completed" gets triggered and Old Data Still gets retrieved!

    Is there a solution to this or is this a bug?

    Edit : I just noticed that once data is retrieved, even with the internet on it does not update the data, it just triggers request completed with old data saved in it somewhere!



  • Never knew about them! Will try! Thanks! :)

  • Hi dop2000

    Do you mean the system actions "Save" and "Load" ?

    Would it work without breaking the game... as the saved game did not had the newly added variable, objects etc.

  • Yes, it is strange to remove such an important aspect of development from C3! Please bring it back!

    Otherwise, we cannot develop large levels efficiently as every time I make a change to the end of the level, I have to play the whole level again and again!

    I don't want to start hating my own game before it gets released!

  • Hi LaurenceBedford

    Thank you for your reply! Emailed you for further quarries!



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  • Hi,

    I am trying to build an online/offline Poker Game! Does anyone have a template for such a game?

    Online is preferred and for Multiplayer functioning, photon is preferred!

    Please contact me at to offer or leave a message here for any more information!



  • If still required, please feel free to contact me at

  • If still required, please feel free to contact me at

  • If still required, please feel free to contact me at

  • Hi,

    I have tried construct multiplayer plugin in a few games of mine and so far i have experienced that some messages don't reach the receiver sometimes even when send in "reliable mode" and game gets stuck there!

    So i assume it must be either the plugin or the free construct server issue and m trying to move the projects to photon for that reason!

    But i want to know from experienced developers out there if it would make a difference? Is Photon plugin and its server better than C3 multiplayer plugin and free server?



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  • dop2000

    That seems like a great idea! Will try that!


  • The 1200 are like cards, i could have simply added them to a sprite, but the game screen currently shows more than 100 random cards on screen!

    To do this i am currently adding image from url (imported file)! If i add all cards in a single sprite, I am afraid it will make game lag and use lot of memory! If i use separate sprite for each card it will take hours of work and future mess to handle all 1200 sprites (assume if i have to change something in a sprite)!

  • Hi,

    I mistakenly added the topic first at construct 2 forum and could not find a way to move it so duplicate topic!

    i asked first but its a limitation they can't change, thus am looking for a solution here!