shinkan's Forum Posts

  • i don't think anything changed since then so I just paste it here [Request] "Unload from memory" action

  • Cipriux Yeah, I found that C2 new export method is really great but only for very first time you export from C2 and open in XDK as completely new project. Then everything is fine. But later if you start adding or removing stuff from C2 (stuff that need some kind of third party plugin in XDK) problems starts. From very long project opening, through plugin error and even loosing your project in XDK. Cause of that I had to start and setup my current XDK project from scratch few times just because updating it from C2 broke to many things.

    In short. C2 new XDK export is great when you start new project. But it needs some work for updating existing ones.

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  • I've just noticed something strange, not sure what it's causing it yet. Sometimes when I open a project in XDK (saved with new C2 export) then it can creates many "www" folders inside of existing www folder.

    Standard XDK project folder.

    Standard "www" folder content with extra "www" inside.

    Extra "www" folders inception.

  • Hold Shift and press on Crop.

  • Yeah, forum logins behaves funny today. It's almost like an infinite loop for me. When I open the forum I need to login. So I'm transfered to a login page. After successfully logging in I'm transferred back to the forum page.. Where I'm logged out

  • If I remember correctly, some time ago Cranberrygame changed id from to cordova-plugin-ad-admob. so basically I am using the official one... It's just the manual states the wrong one and manual update cycle is terrible (updated usually on every C2 stable release).

    Toddler Unfortunately I don't use xdk for iOS because don't care about them at all, so I'm sorry but can't help you with that :/

  • Didn't work. Exported with Cordova from C2-225, tried to open in Intel XDK: Error, folder contains XDK ..(something or other) cannot open. That was strange.

    Make sure you are running XDK as Administrator.

  • Been using latest XDK since it was released and had no problems with it. Just need to be sure to add third party plugin ID using "cordova-plugin-ad-admob"

  • It is official as of now 2016-March-26 Admob in Construct 2+XDK is BROKEN.

    It's not, official AdMob plugin works just fine.

  • Played with it last night to update my game on google play (version of Apache Cordova thing) and everything worked perfectly and smoothly.

    Export from C2 beta to XDK -> build in new XDK -> export to google play. Didn't use the "Open an Intel XDK project" though, instead (old habit I suppose) simply exported from C2 to my xdk project folder.

  • lerp(a,b,x) a or b can be anything - x will always be a "way from a to b".

    "bounding box the first object was closest to" should be fine too. It all depends what you want to do and then adjust your math to make it work

  • lerp(a,b,x) should do it.

    spriteC set X to lerp(spriteA.X, spriteB.X, 0.5)

    That should place spriteC exactly in the middle between spriteA and spriteB on X axis.

  • eli0s - great video! What I would like / need / strongly desire is an editor like Overlap 2d's. Watch for a minute from 50 secs....

    That is indeed really nice and intuitive editor! Workflow is very fast and organic.... heh and yeah "generate bitmaps fonts on the fly". looking at that kind of stuff you starts to realize how old C2 editor is

  • yup. That's pretty much how it works in most applications. eli0s big respect for taking your free time just to make a video of something that obvious!

    EDIT: There was a talk some time ago about unifying objects like Sprite and Tiled Background. Ashley wrote that it should be possible just to make 1 object type that would have capabilities of sprites, tiled backgrounds etc.... but as usual that was it. no further talk.

  • This should work:

    +System: On start of Layout

    +System: For "x" from 0 to Tilemap.Width/32

    +System: For "y" from 0 to Tilemap.Height/32

    +Tilemap: Tile (loopindex("x"), loopindex("y")) = 1 -> Tilemap: Set tile (loopindex("x"), loopindex("y")) to tile choose(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2)

    Edit: "32" = size of your Tile - 32x32 in this case