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  • I'm sorry but your answer is not acceptable. This is not a driver bug as it was shown on many images and video files by me and other users. I'm 100% sure we are using same drivers as you do. There are two possibilities, You don't want to waste your time fixing it, or You don't know how to fix this.

    As i said before this must be an issue with editor itself or in webgl effects. And if it was really a driver issue so why it's only affecting editor and not exported project?

    And what about long forgotten by you issue with Bumpmapping effect not working correctly on Tiled Backgrounds and other objects, is that a driver issue as well?

    Explain this

    Why effects works well for new or small projects, but for more complex ones are not displaying correctly? And is that a driver bug to choose where and when display effects correctly?

  • Ashley, Not sure if this should go as a feature requests or a bug... But for the first one I would say it's a bug, and second - feature request.

    1. Tables for values (Array in this example) should better adjust their size to the content. As you can see in the image, after "Port" everything is shifted to the next line for some reason. And last values are cutoff which makes it impossible to read (after "Fruit" - the one is cutted off, there are two more values not visible at all)

    2. There is no reason to waste that much of space for objects that are not present on current layout (Array_GlobalWares (0)) or have only few instances.

    Last image shows how it looks like on real life example. On 1920x1200 monitor, where game window is 1280x720. As you can see only 3 basically empty object are taking entire space on "The object list".

    sorry for the blurs but I'm not allowed to post anything about this game

  • One thing to remember. File startdlg.xml resets every time you install new beta or stable release. So you need to add your templates to that file every time you install new C2 version.

  • There are things with node-webkit turning webGL off if you graphic card is blacklisted - and it works only on win7 and above from what I remember.

  • Yeah, possibility to add extensions in C2 would be really nice.

  • yes, it's 50MB

  • Oh. that's nice... I mean, not nice at all but, this proves that there is something wrong with WebGL and editor. Cause same thing (object displacement, display issue) happens for mr with SpriteFont, Sprite, TiledBG, 9patch and now SpriteFont+

  • You are using SpriteFont+ plugin, can you remove it and post your file again?

    If I think right it might be released to this bug

    where using webgl effects make sometimes random objects displace or vanish from editor.

  • It was a rhetorical question.

  • So you are selling construct 2 example games with Kenney's graphics?

  • IntelTyler IntelRobert

    When we can expect a change to stable and beta ? New Beta offers an option to ignore GPU blacklist and I'm curious how it works.

  • Or this:

  • > Yes 6000x2000 it's perfectly fine


    > Check this post I've put an example there with 20.000x20.000 and it still works fine. And Ashley there explains some stuff about layout too.


    Thank you very much

    Very cool explanation. But.. when I try to open the 20kx20k example, my pc just crash lol

    Well. That answers your question - at least for your pc abilities to handle large games (in size not content)

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  • I don't know, ask grossd xD

    Maybe if you setup you layout, and then in events you delete everything on start and recreate particular objects in same places after some actions. You would then already have events with all objects XY coordinates and other properties setup - instead of typing them in manually.