shinkan's Forum Posts

  • Where I can find App Preview Crosswalk 0.27 app ?

    It gives me an error while trying to install it through XDK.

  • Not sure how this flappy bird look like cause there is no image of it or whatsoever, but if that kind of games takes up 70% of cpu and runs only at 35 fps then obviously you are doing something wrong here.

    Crosswalk adds ~17MB to the game (which is a bit idiotic and wasteful) but it's not that bad! Bare in mind that crosswalk work only with Android 4.0 and higher. And even if some devices support 4.0+ it does not mean they are great for games.

    And yeah, I'm bit concerned about current situation with exporters too. It comes and goes with waves. Unfortunately there were more bad times then good times. Looks like when everything works as it should then it lasts for a couple of months and when it breaks it takes twice longer to fix it.

  • There's like 5 or more already.

  • Yes it does!

    And it's really easy to use.

  • Webstorage - save some stuff after playing first time. Then compare if this is true - ignore welcome layout, if it's false then show welcome layout.

  • I've been playing for a while with my old gamepad (Mint Gamepad MGP-509) - it didn't work straight away.

    I tried using it with a soft called "x360ce" then:

    • Chrome - only left analog works
    • NW - same, just left analog works
    • IE - lol
    • Firefox - everything works except couple of buttons

    So I assumed that this only fully works with proper X360 compatible gamepads.


    Search is your friend, use it.

  • I still have this issue after all this time.

    cymrix I was restarting my C2 even before this post (and few others) were made, and it's only a temporary solution. It will mess up again after some time. Issue won't go away until you delete the tint effects (or others).

  • hehe, It's like very sad déjà vu

  • botao_instruc%CC%A7oes-sheet0.png - this probably is botao_instruções-sheet0.png (or something similar) and probably thats the cause of issue. Try using normal characters like "botao_instrucoes" without using any of special characters.

  • Did you check for the errors in the Chrome console?

    If loading bar is red it usually means some assets can't be find or loaded.

  • yeah. But I would rather hit "Esc" and break your workflow than not have auto-completion in C2 at all ;P

  • Hit "Esc" or "Left Arrow" or "Right Arrow" (and probably some others too) after pressing 9, it will hide auto-input dropdown.

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  • I like the idea of "Explanation" and "Workarounds" on some pages. Things like that help people a lot to understand how things works.

    Manual is great for telling what you have in engine (expressions, actions...), but in most cases micro examples like this only helps you understand how it work and how/when/where you can use it - especially for beginners.

    so yeah, +1 for the wiki