shinkan's Forum Posts

  • crypticblonde

    1-2k event's are not that many if you think about it. My small - medium small games are around 500-700 events (without event repetitions).

    But it all depends on the way you make them. One will use 20 event to move sprite forward, other one will use only 2 event.


    It's always a good idea to split your code (groups, evens sheets, different variable values...) mainly for your own sake. It's easier to maintain and find what you are looking for if your events are nice and tidy.

    As of the initial question, I would say yes. You can always include a event sheet (or turn on the group) only for stuff you want to happen. If something is not needed at current time in the game there is no point making C2 run through all of these events

  • This is probably the browser security that avoids been able to close the window programmatically. If you can make another page that you control launch the game then you should be able to close it from the parent. Sending a signal from the game to it.

    What do you mean?

    It used to work fine on every project in the past. It works fine with every new projects I made. Only in the project I'm currently working on for some reasons this is not working. There is nothing different between this project or any other projects.

    It's just a simple action. on sprite touched -> close window

    EDIT: hmm and now for some other strange reasons it starts to work properly... without me doing anything

  • Ashley I'm getting a strange issue with Browser plugin and "Close" action.

    After triggering "Close" in preview or export nothing happens and Chrome Console (and also FireFox console) gives me :

    Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it.[/code:12y266ql]
    which point to Browser_plugin.js:
    [code:12y266ql]Acts.prototype.Close = function ()
    		if (this.runtime.isCocoonJs)
    		else if (window["tizen"])
    		else if (navigator["app"] && navigator["app"]["exitApp"])
    		else if (navigator["device"] && navigator["device"]["exitApp"])
    		else if (!this.is_arcade && !this.runtime.isDomFree)
    			window.close();  ***<- Points here exactly***
    I though it got to do something with @hmmg  LayoutTransition plugin.   But then I recreated it in couple of new project, with all plugin I use with my main project (official and third party ones).  and it works fine there.
    My code is very simple:
    	[li]Touch: On touched Sprite -> Browser: Close[/li]
    nothing more. And for Third party plugins I use only two: LiteTween and LayoutTransition. But like I said it works fine in new projects, only this particular project I'm working on is affected by this.
    Any thoughts?
  • "the character fits nicely on a 64x64 tile."

    For C2 sprite sheeting on export it will be better for you to not use 64x64 textures. Use 62x62 instead and don't forget to actually put 1px empty border around your sprites.

    "upper body animation in 32 directions."

    You will need to rethink that. 32 directions Is a lot for plain 2d game. It will use quite a bit of memory but that's not important. Most important thing is you will need to edit them frame by frame in C2s Image Editor - hotspots, image points, collisions. It will take a LOT of time and especially patience to do that

    I thought I'm gonna lose my mind while I was setting this up. C2s Image Editor is not helpful at all in doing that

  • Oh well... Black is probably better than nothing at all

  • First thing - you got a little typo on first page. Just below "CREATE A BACKUP" should be "V1.2" instead of "V1.1".

    Second thing - would it be possible to do something with that black background between transitions? Change the color or put some image preferably?

  • hehe. First three sentences says it all xD

    "We started the development on Ori back in early 2011. Back then, the very early prototype of Ori was actually developed in Construct with only two people working on it. But when it became clear that we wanted to go big and turn Ori into an actual fully produced game, Unity was the natural choice for our team. "

  • Can you please change the title of this post to something more descriptive then "How do I", thank you.

  • Not sure...

    Chrome Console gives me this error though:

    "Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: A bad HTTP response code (403) was received when fetching the script."

  • Now that you mentioned it... Animate.css could be really nice as object behavior

    And by the way, great plug hmmg.

  • Are you serious with this question?

    If yes then:


    I don't meant "layout properties", also If I would change the name and then click somewhere else I would put that into a bug description and steps to reproduce because that kind of thing could be crucial for fixing the bug.


    This still happens in r204.2. For example renaming a Sprite from Properties panel works fine, but renaming it from Projects panel will switch from Sprite Properties to Project properties.

  • Done.

  • Works fine for me as well in r204.2.

    But it's not the first time where people are having issues with shaders manipulating colors :/

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  • Image belows shows all my events for Local Storage, very basic and simple setup - if local storage key exist then load array from it and fill lists, else add one value to the array and lists.

    Running it from C2 preview works fine. Lists are filled up only with 1 element (on cleared local storage), and loading from local storage if I played a bit with those lists.

    Same goes for my personal server - project uploaded there works exactly as it should be.

    But on dropbox it looks like "LocalStorage: On item "xxx" missing" does not trigger at all. With cleared local storage and browser cash it shows only empty lists.

    Do anyone had similar problems?

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