JordanWinslow, and thank you for launching this kind of very interesting topic.
Well, I would simply like to know if it is possible to create orchestral music on PC/Windows, on which we can put voices, instruments, loops and effects.
Without a chiptune retro sound, and as easily as with libraries as rich as on Mac with Garage Band + Logic Pro, as for example can do it the French artist Christine and The Queens / Chris (Héloïse Letissier). Her channel: youtube.com/channel/UCvDr_Xznwh4gXIy17vVci1w
I'm not saying that it doesn't require work, inspiration, time, sweating, patience and talent. I'm just talking about conditions that can make things easier without tons of Cubase stuff, potentiometers and other complicated options.
So, and if it is possible, what friendly softwares could you advise us for this type of workflow (always on PC/Windows)? Thank you again for your attention and your professional lighting.