savvito123's Forum Posts

  • Actually if you add negative number to gravity only must work.

  • What is the method you destroy the monster?

    Did you compare his health and when is 0 you destroy it?

    Did you destroy it by touch?

    Did you destroy it on collision?

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  • Hello , sorry for the late answer.

    What do you mean by multiple scripts with out using only the events?

    What are you trying to do and you can not with out the events?

  • First thing is coming to my mind is to set the trolleys angle to surface angle.

    I didnt try it before but i think is gonna work.

  • If you have store in a variable the text you want to typewrite you can use len(variable).

  • Im currently using one method in a project right now, i dont know if is the correct method to do that but here it is.

    SpriteFont is running typewritter text

    Every "duration / 1.6" / character ammount -> play sound

  • Hello , i dont know if construct 2 have the "Move to" behavior, if yes this is perfect for this.

  • Here is an example of how you can store all your questions , answers and incorrects in variables and retrieve it when game starts.

    3 questions , 1 correct answer for each question and 3 incorrect answers.

    At start we set the correct answer to a random text so no everytime is at same place.

    And we choose and a false answer also.

  • Here is your problem.

  • No your characters initial visible is not.

    Choose your character and at left of your screen scroll down until you see initial visible. Check this because now its unchecked.

  • Check at your characters properties initial visible.

  • You can save save all the questions in a string variable here is an example of a variable with 3 questions "1+1 ; 2+2 ; 3+3" after that when you start your game you can set what question to show like: set text -> tokenat(variable,0,";") this will show the question 1 etc.

    Also you can kinda fix your code , lets say you check if Wrong >= 1 Wrongco set invincible , you do it too much times , but you only need to add it in one event.

    Also you have the if Wrong => 1 and if seed is visible / if Wrong => 1 and if seed2 is visible / seed3 , seed4.

    You can add as event the if wrong => 1 and the other as subevents.

  • Hello , first of all check the 1st picture at event 4 maybe you insert the event as sub event.

    Second , if you did not care about the variable "Wrong" after turn to 1 or higher you can remove "trigger once" and move the "Subtract 1 from correct" at top of the "turn Wrong to 0".

    And third , why so many layouts? You have different pictures in each layout? Or is just different question?

  • Hello,

    add to your enemy the pathfind behavior and give to him a path to a random coin.

    On collision with a coin destroy that coin and give a new path to another random coin.