Sanju83's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I'm using a 360 pad to control my payer's 8direction movement this way:

    When player press 'A' I want to increase the speed of the object for a certain time, but I cannot find the way to do this.

    Could anybody help me?


  • Adding the "trigger once while true" condition did the trick.


  • Hi!

    I'm trying to do something like this:

    • Sprite has a "life"-like instance variable
    • On collision with a bullet -> substract 1 from this "life"
    • When "life" is less or equal than 0 -> wait 4 seconds and reset the "life" counter

    And so...

    But after the first "life" reset, when a bullet collides with the sprite again, it substract 1 from life and resets to 4 again 3 or 4 times and I don't know why is this happening.

    Here is a .capx:

    Could somebody help me with this?


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  • It looks interesting. Can I ask you what average price are you thinking for the game licenses?

  • Thanks! I think I'll have to read more of the "What you may have missed in..." topics

  • It's great for us, as developers, seeing people having a good time with our games

    I'll link the video in my game's gamejolt page.

  • ArcadEd

    So glad you enjoyed my game!

    I'll look forward to the stream.


  • ArcadEd

    Thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

    This was a very fun jam to participate in.

  • I found the answer in the forum. If anyone is interested:


  • I'm working on a top-down shooter style game and I want to check if the enemies can see the player. I'm using the line-of.sight behaviour, but i want this active only when the player is between some range of the enemy's orientation angle.

    I've been trying to do this comparing the enemy's angle and the angle between the enemy and the player, but I've found no solution. Could anybody help with this?


  • I agree with you. I think this is Construct2's greatest (one of the very few) weakness, and I'd love to see some kind of improvement about this.

  • Thaks for the answer, spacedoubt.

    [quote:uht56n9d]However most browsers ignore the fullscreen request unless it is made in a user-input trigger. This is to prevent websites annoying the user by automatically entering and exiting fullscreen mode.

    Yes, it makes sense...

  • Hi,

    As the subject says, I'm trying to call the Request fullscreen action of the browser object on start of layout but it's not working. Does anyone knows what do I have to do to achieve this?


  • I've found a solution.

    For my player movement I'm gonna use the Physics behaviour instead of Custom movement. With this, construct2 will gonna handle the bounces automatically.

  • The problem is that I want to bounce in different angle and speed depending on how the player hit the sprite.

    I uploaded the capx. What I want is to get a more "natural" bounce when I hit the green sprite (I haven't even got this with the black squares).

    Thanks for answering.