samueledev's Forum Posts

  • I and The_Oluk (Manolo Saviantoni) made in collaboration with Gamindo a game for Chiara Ferragni ( - 23.000.000 Followers on Instagram.



    Tha game is also available on ChiaraFerragniCollection:

  • I am so happy to share with this fantastic community our videogame made in Construct 3 for Amazon Prime Video.

    LOL - CHI RIDE È FUORI is an Italian series where 10 Italian comedians compete NOT to laugh. Who laughs is eliminated.

    Link to play:

  • Hi!

    Last December I (Samuele Sciacca) and Manolo Saviantoni aka the_oluk we created for the BoingApp the official Steven Universe Videogame!

    Made in Construct 3

    For the intro I used the timeline! I love it.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi, my name is Samuele Sciacca, I am 23. I create advergames in Construct 3 in Italy and I make online video everyday on youtube about game dev and tutorial in Construct3.

    In these months I worked for differents big clients, like Google and Warner Bros.

    Today We released the OFFICIAL VIDEOGAME for ESA

    Pixel art made by:

    Link to play:

    My youtube channel:

    My Instagram:

    My site: WIP ;)


    I did two courses on udemy and a lot of contents on youtube and my community says the same things.

    I suggest to my community to start with construct 2 if they don't want pay at the beginning.

    I am think to change engine to teach because it's impossible to engage people, but I knoe that there are differents reasons if the free edition is in this way.

    I will publish others two courses and I will see if people prefer to buy or not.

    Ps: +10k students (free courses)

  • Hi! This plug in is amazing but I found a big BUG on C3 version.

    I am working on just this example BUT on Construct 3 if I destroy a sprite, all the heroes stop

    If I do the same thing on Construct 2 (using 0.1.13) and this does not happen

    Here you can see a gif about the bug:

    Here the code:

    C2 example : (works) - need moveto

    C3 example : (not works) - need moveto

    On my Construct 2 I installed the version 0.1.13 (works)

    On Construct 3 I am using 0.4.1

    Can anyone fix this problem or just say me how I can do?

  • I guys!

    I am creating this little "GTA" Like but 2D:

    I am trying to create a tracking system to simulate police.

    Here the result:

    This is the code in this moment.

    I'd like to have a better result.

    I don't want cars to stop to calculate the path.

    Could anyone suggest me some solution?

  • Works perfect!!! Thank you !

  • Hi Guys!

    I'am working with a startup in a project.

    We have an application that contains differents videogames.

    When I enter in a videogame, the app sends me an id (var) and I need to save this var in a construct variable.

    Is there a way?

    We are using injected Javascipt but i have no idea how to do this

  • Hi guys!

    I have to create for a client a little game and I'am using Constrct 3.

    To make the game playable on an Android Device I tried in different ways Phonegap / Cordova / Android Studio, I set the minversion=16 and target version 19 and now the game start.

    BUT! There is a big problem, Audio doesn't start.

    I use the last version of Construct 3 and mp3 file audio.

    The clients have only tablets with Android 4.4 and I have to find a solution to make this games playable on Android without problem.

    Any tips?

  • Thank you Ashley! :D

    This is the code:

    And now works perfect on iPhone and Android Devices :D

  • I have a big problem using touch ID.

    I'm doing a player movement using two directional pad.

    Here the screen of the code:

    And I have two Variables:

    touchLeftID = Touch.TouchID

    touchRightID = Touch.TouchID

    But the problem is when I open the game on iPhone (not all iPhone) the two variables has big number like on the photo:

    But sometimes this variables has a negative number like -1519489 and the two pad doesn't work.

    This happens only on iOS.

    I am trying to resolve in different ways but I have the same problem

  • Hi guys i have a big problem and I'm trying to resolve it many times but...

    I have a json inside my game.

    Everything is perfect, i made an array from json and its ok.

    But if I try to change something inside the json, upload the new json on the directory and refresh the site, i have the old version json.

    I delete the file from offline.js (i don't know why but when i export a new project there isn't the offline.appcache)

    If i try to delete the json from the directory and i try to check my website, i don't know why, it remain D:

    Please someone can help me?

  • Hi Guys!

    I need your help.

    I am creating 7 videogames for a company but I have a little problem.

    On Safari shows to the user a screen that the cache that the site needs is more of 50mb.

    I'd like to know if there is a way to download in the cache just media and not audio or others files.

    PS: Sorry for my English.

  • You can't do that. Just use a 2D array to do the same thing. A Dictionary is an alternate method, but the array applies better in this case.

    Yes! I decided to use a 2D array