Sami424's Forum Posts

  • If i do a dictionary file, .json, in c3, do i load it in with ajax, or can i use localstorage ? I mean since it doesnt load by itself right? right now im using ajax load dic.json then on loaded > load dictionary with the command ajax.lastdata ,

    is there a better way?

  • > Here:



    > But I have absolute no clue if it works

    I added c3runtime. and I also don't know if it works.

    i tried it, it works, nice job, tho c2 runtime only, but its better than nothing ! Just do as you did on c2, and run c2 runtime , it does not work with c3 runtime.

  • For anyone that is unsure to buy this, i was very unsure, i spent hours looking on chadis posts and i noticed how much effort was put in to this project, and the money is the least i can do, since i bought it, i have recieved all updates free, if you are a serious developer in construct 3 i highly recommend this plugin collection, its a 1 time fee for saving TONS of time, for me, this plugin collection makes construct 3 perfect, i did doubt it at first since c2 has tons of more addons, but seeing someone put in so much effort for others to save their time , i am sure C3 will have tons of more features, and im sure this pack will have tons of more features.

    This pack is worth the money, and you get a discount if you join their discord wich has support 24/7 , i bought it using discord and it took about 5 minutes.

    edit: i just had to make this post since ive read tons of haters that thinks its all about money. I respect game development and if you do, you do not expect that someone else codes all the plugins for you free, it does not make sense for me.

    Big up on this pack and keep on the good work, the latest firebase c3 runtime update was a life saver for me!

  • I tried to make it work without a camera for a few hours but it does not work. :(

    Its too fast or too slow or jumping.

    As workaround I created a camera with ScrollTo behavior and 8 direction movement, set to up/down. 1200 max speed, 5000 acceleration, 600 decel and just simulate up/down on swipe. Its not ideal cause it has a fixed speed (tried to use touch speed but did not work out; set speed=touchspeed moved it always to the right instead of down) but its "OK".

    Would be nice to know if someone has another solution.

    can you share your c3 project? or just the camera part, so i can do my thing and you might like it. I know it can be hard to get a nice effect.

  • > Moved to "How do I" forum. Sami424 - I don't think the question involved AJAX.

    yes this is not related to AJEX it is on Dictionary

    yeah im sorry i read it wrong, i use AJAX for array and my php files , but i did not know you could use the dictionary that easy, just tested it lol. saved me alot of time. thanks.

  • I will gladly contribute to get c3 in swedish.

  • hii everyone.

    i want to know how do i get key and its value when key is not known in dictionary and we also know that there is only one key.

    i am using for each loop but it is not working . i think i am doing some mistake but i don't know what.

    try to post in the "how do i?" part of the forum, you use ajax.lastdata to recieve what values are in your dictionary

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  • > > what alternatives do you recomend?


    > Are you trying to get just users, or are you doing a pay2play game? you have alot of different options you dont have to use QR code, for c3, i managed to read QR code with a html script but i use the plugin HTML elements for that, as i said, you have alot of ways to do this you dont need the plugin from c2. If you set your c3 to c2 runtime and download the link above you should be able to read qr.

    can you send me a example?

    I am not home atm but i can later, for now, try to take that QR code plugin, and try to use to convert it to a c3 addon, it will still be c2 runtime ofc.

  • Anyone got any information if steam got a developer console or if they have a "review game" etc before you can publish, if so where do i go to find this? Ive read people posting construct games on steam, but i know its harder than apple store and google play ofc, since steam does alot of checking before publishing your app, where do i go if i want to read more about this?

  • what alternatives do you recomend?

    Are you trying to get just users, or are you doing a pay2play game? you have alot of different options you dont have to use QR code, for c3, i managed to read QR code with a html script but i use the plugin HTML elements for that, as i said, you have alot of ways to do this you dont need the plugin from c2. If you set your c3 to c2 runtime and download the link above you should be able to read qr.

  • ok but how do i install the plugin on it??

    Is there a plugin out yet for C3?

  • I wanted to share my way of doing a HP bar, you can experiment alot to get a nice HP bar, this tutorial just shows some basics and the easy way of creating one.

    First, create 3 sprites, called BarRED,barGREEN & PLR . Fill the redbar with red color and the green with green etc.

    Now the pin behavior i have just added if you want it attached to the player, if the player is moving, this you can skip.

    Add the keyboard plugin for your project, also set 2 instance variables on either the PLR or barGREEN sprite. 1 instance var called CURHP and 1 called MAXHP

    like this:

    then, add a event, on KEYBOARD KEY PRESSED X substract 10 from curhp, set the redbar width to the instance variable MAXHP.

    Add every tick > set width of greenbar to object.curhp

    I set the bars to be containers with eachother, wich means if 1 is created, the other 1 is created to, if 1 is deleted, the other one is deleted to.

    I did this tutorial for a friend very fast, if u need help just ask.

  • Hi, everyone:)How do I add first and last names, physical address (within the game - the user will not be typing in their real home addresses), and items chosen/purchased, to a Firebase database?

    I know the user won't be able to buy any digital items this way (just store the information about the (fake) purchases that the user made, while playing my game?

    Thanks all!

    Read alittle about databases and DB management, its easy once you just get a start of it. Firebase provides alot of documentation.

  • I have a game for a client, that uses the idea of read a qr code before get into the level one.

    The idea is when i press start it reads a qr code and validate before get in.

    The problem is that my game is in construct 3 and qr code plugin is on Construct 2.

    Is there a solution that i can use on Construction 3??

    I already asked for somenone to convert the plugin because i have tryed insucessfully.

    It might work with the c2 runtimes, click your project and switch from c3 runtime to c2 runtime, in the left properties bar.