saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • i think ashley should replace all jquery code wherever found (behavs / plugs)

    with this superb library just look at all the performance gains!

    (p.s. just for comparison jquery document call (Which i saw in a couple of behavs) with jquery is around 300k ops, while default pure javascript over 12 mils. - why would you even use jquery except for the easieness of writing code?)

  • i will most definitely when i finish my plugin manager and game go through some behaviours / plugins and try to find some optimizations and suggest them to ashley. we'll see how that goes.

    also everything i've ran on my PC works just fluidly - 75FPS on i7 4860HQ, 8gb ram, 980M and samsung SSD, BUT!

    (there's always a **** ) - eli0s gave me his barrage thingy - a bullet spawns explosions. those explosions are made of 10-20 random particles flying in random directions. they spawn smoke particles pinned to themself and parciles that make smoke seem dissapear. each bullet spawns 5x. so i tested that on my laptop.

    one bullet = 5 x (15+15x32+15x32) (i'll take the middle value ) = 4875 objects in a 1.5 sec - works ok - 75 fps

    two bullets - same

    but around 5-7, maybe a bit more, let's say 10 bullets - it gets to massive 48750 objects and it sloooows down massively. down to 20-30fps.

  • why don't we.. developers and computer scientists (i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one with wide knowledge of AI/CG, c# and JS here) take a look into runtime files of our

    behaviours, try to pimp them for bigger performance, update ashley on changes, and let him include those changes in next version of C2 ?

    i've already thrown a couple of looks inside A* pathfinding and saw some stuff that could be fastened..

    Ashley #fixC2plsomg<3

  • i've tested on my PC - all 3 work 75 FPS clean (that's my refresh rate)

  • what? i'm still working on it, hopefully i will have version 0.1 out after easter

  • this might be something for people to read about: (why JS is slow - GUI mostly): ... -are-slow/

  • what is this space game supposed to be about? top down shooter? horizontal shooter? tiled game? story? platform?

    please be a bit more specific.

  • the 2nd could be problematic.

    the third not so much, only a memory concern.

    also what device did you try it on? how big is your memory usage?

  • no, it's not about the music composer vivaldi, it's about a new upcoming browser vivaldi.

    based off on Opera / Chromium the upcoming is supposedly the fastest man .. i mean browser alive.

    team that develops vivaldi used to develop opera long time ago, and inside vivaldi they are offering a load of features that do not come with chrome / opera and are usually extended.

    my question to people here is: do you intend to test your games in this browser? would you like to see it on a mobile platform?

    also.. do people test their games on other then firefox/ie/chrome browsers? i've tested them on opera and sometimes they seem'd broken, but after update they usually work, because they probably update the chromium engine behind it. also i've never seen a browser hit 555 mark (any browser) in the html5 feature test.

    if there was a browser that had full support over all 555 features, would we see a performance increase / improve through it? would we have better / faster working features?

  • you can pin hearing object to the sprite of your player, then use it. also make sure it's on same layer, and collisions enabled.

  • Ashley

    imagine this situation - tommorow crosswalk team announces that they are closing their project. what do you do? leave people off with a crosswalk that has loads of bugs / works imperfectly? switch over to some other third party software that will probably get rejected / closed in some other time? instead if you really think about

    pushing your software into something that will be used over a long time, doing your own exporters / plugins is a must do (if you ask me). maybe it won't be perfect, but you have a number of developers that are "waiting" for something to get fixed by some third party, instead of relying on a software that they bought and their devs (you), thus being sure that issues will be resolved fast.

    also, what i meant before - audio + multiplay + graphics + physics is all you need for a fully developed game. all wrapper needs to wrap is that. main functionality that some OS uses to run the game. all the other stuff doesn't need any wrapping / could be used as external JS (ads, social networking plugins, and so on..)

  • add effect brightness to both layouts.

    then add 2 global variables - brightness and transition

    on first layout on layout started - set brightness variable to 100 and transition to 0

    on first layout when you want to change layouts instead set this:

    set variable transition to 1

    make an event that does this:

    if transition = 1

    subtract from brightness 1

    set effect brightness param 0 to brightness (variable)


    if(brightness=0) - > go to layout 2

    and on layout 2 - set variable brightness = 0 on start

    if ( transition = 1 )

    brightness +1

    set effect brightnes param 0 to brightness (Variable)


    if(brightness=100) transition = 0

    something like this should work, around 1-2 sec fade, depending on your fps.

  • AI as a real thing doesn't really exist, especially not in games. what you see there is scripted behaviour. loads of IFs - scripted behaviour - you can learn by time what pc does and beat it everytime.

    there's a possibility of adding fuzziness (check fuzzy logic) - where PC could choose sometimes differently then what was anticipated.

    the "realest" AI would be neural networking (which you can't really use in C2) - when you got loads of neurons which have their weight and neural links coeficients which multiply and choose the results - therefore loads of possibilities and different reactions + learning - you can update those coef. and weights - making a neural network work better, make pc learn what you do. but this one is a complex model which isn't really yet used on any game (at least i think).

    so mostly what you can do is a expert system - check bayes networks or fuzzy logic or just make a loads of ifs where some of them execute if random (0.100) ends up under some X that you put, or random that ends up < random (0,100) etc.. there's loads of possibilities

  • oh, how do you spawn your stuff on your top down shooter?

    even so.. once you hit background 5 (5th section) - you are probably changing somewhere those sections - spawn boss.

    also there's an option to make a variable global with number starting from 1, and increasing on each change of section. once that variable hits 5, spawn boss.

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  • first off, you should stop cluttering forum with posts that have their place - crosswalk performance, you could have asked the same question there and get an answer.

    now to answer your question - not sure if crosswalk is open source - if it is, it might be possible, but if it's not, they probably have that code somewhere inside, so you can't really fix it. best option would be if someone made a whole pure webgl non browser wrapper that would include all the features from all the other systems that support it.

    also memory management + threading + audio + webrtc + multiplayer + webstorage + loads of stuff - if you think you can do it.. be my guest ;D