saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • kinda ran into an obstacle.. there is no free mssql servers for hosting.

    anyone got any ideas where can i get a free (at least 5GB) database server ? (mysql, mssql, anything like that..?)

    Ashley - can you help? can scirra host a small mssql? (maybe for a small one time fee?)

  • yes i've seen some of them, and rex's is the closest one to what i want to achieve, but on a much larger scale..

    though i will need to get plugin developers support once it's done, because it won't be a easy job to get them to upload their work through my system. but once they do, it will be a relief for everyone

  • shinkan - actually the best thing would be if construct 2/3 had plugin manager installed in itself (where you would automatically download and install them..)

    i hope you are joking when you said "place in scirra store"? i think there is only a few plugins which are paid (q3d and some phonegaps). also to find what you need you'd have to browse, open page, open next page, change "show per page" and such stuff - which is a lot of clicks. my plan is to make it all simple and fast.

    yes you will have to download and install the program but it will at least ease the workflow - developers can upload their rar directly to the server, no need to fiddle with dropbox and get links and paste them, they will recieve bug reports in the program, and so on... good workflow for devs.

    and users are just 1-2 clicks from finding what they want. also filtering - way faster then searching nonfiltered web page.. and so on..

    stay tuned you'll see

  • oh yeah, i had that on my mind too, but forget to write it down. added to first post.

    i was thinking about something like - if last upload older then 1 year and at least 10 discontinued buttons pressed (will add that button to appear only after 1 year) - mod becomes discontinued and warning message will appear for those who still want to download it as such.

    i was thinking about compatibility list aswell (example r210 - some plugin - compatible, r216 - some plugin - incompatible, but i don't know how i would check/controll that)

  • i agree..

    though, do you have any ideas / thoughts what else should be added / contained in this application?

  • no, this application is a new one, independent of any other plugin/effect/behaviour developer.

    rex made that program for himself and his own plugins, it's a good one i'd say aswell. but he can always open an account on mine (once it's released) and upload everything there, and have much more options and control. i'm starting development tommorow, by the end of month i will have alpha version working probably. and by the end of november probably a full release.

  • "v0.13.0-alpha4: (Jun 23, 2015..." - how is that today exaclty?

  • wow, not a single reply...

  • hi guys,

    i'm finally starting the development of my construct 2 plugin manager. i've had some designs, prototypes and such like a few months ago but since i was busy with 10 things at once i had no time to develop this beauty. So what's the point of plugin manager, actually - features?

    I've noticed that we have a forum thread on completed plugins / behaviours / effects and they are mostly aggregated in one thread. Finding / checking / installing / using each needs a lot of time and i'm about to reduce that for you in a nice program that will "have it all".

    So here are the features i've thought out for development (functional requests):

    • uploading / downloading plugins (plugins from here on means - plugins + behavs + effects, but i will write plugins meaning all 3 of them)
    • installing / uninstalling plugins (automatic check if they are correct, list of all installed / downloaded etc..)
    • split role - developer / user - once registered you can only use as that kind of user (or i could sell as split licence, but that seems bad to me)
    • plugins preview (a big screen that shows a html page provided that
    • plugins links (direct download link, direct link to forum topic, etc.)
    • comments (like on forum, maybe not needed since link to forum will be provided)
    • bug reports (each plugin would have a bug report section where you could post a bug report, and developer in charge for that plugin would receive it through system), you could also see if bugs are fixed, marked as not a bug / not fixed and so on...
    • version history - developer accounts would have control on what they have uploaded and they could comment and add descriptions to each version / updates / etc., and players could download any version available
    • deprecated / unsupported / etc plugins....

    add your extra ideas here and i'll take them into consideration...

    i'm going to build the program using WPF C# .net framework 4.6 and mssql server (microsoft gives 10gB free space, should be enough )

    tell me what you think and what would you like to see.. any ideas are good..

    also Ashley i'd like your opinion and requests aswell.. (i had an idea where i would add "breaking change" version where you could add a tick to a plugin if it breaks from new construct versions, though i don't know how i would check that)...

  • anyone tried replacing nw's DLL's with version 12.3? improvements?

  • if you expect a perfect software today (bugless) in 2015. i have only 4 words for you - good luck finding it.

    there is simply no software that has it's culprits and misfires. from ue4 / unity to c2. nothing is perfect and working around something is way better and learning then just doing nothing .)

  • probably a bug but win10 is still in development for mobile phones, i heard release date is somewhere mid december, stay on 8.1 until 10 is out, it's the best suggestion i have.

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  • tgeorgemihai - just a quick few answers:

    1. true - with more years of knowledge comes more exp. -> therefore better optimized games and stuff..

    2. i didn't say that 3rd party exporters are good, they have their flaws ofcourse, i'm sayin' you(or someone else who is really into c2) could be the one to learn javascript and create plugins and exporters yourself. maybe even better then those that exist.

    3. true

    4. of course not. it takes time to perfect something, but if you make a game like pong - there isn't much to make there - easy to polish. but if you go into makin' a tower defense for example that is well polished that would take time because of lot of things to think about - music, sounds, balance of enemies, towers, skill tree, skills, graphics, animations, pathfindings, obstacles, gameplay, map, etc.. polishing that game would take.. time.

    5. yes, AAA games seem to go downward lately (not innovative or fun at all :/)

    6. yep, unless you are flappy

    • Post link icon

    there's 12.3 out and 13.0 is alpha atm

  • hi guys,

    i'm starting on a new game - tower defense type.

    i need your ideas how it should look, what would you like to see in it, what would you play in those games? what would attract you?

    i've played kingdom rush, gemcraft and cursed treasure.. they all have some nice features, now my question is what would you like to see in

    my game? i'm thinking about spacesetting instead of medieval.

    flying enemies. 6-10 tower types (including aero only, ground only and mixed)

    "skill tree"

    big bosses, summons that you can summon that are also strong.

    controlable units? and more..

    give me ideas... thanks