ringo1054's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Hey folks, I am drawing in Photoshop and saving my images as PNG files to import into Construct 2. I am wondering what would be the best size for my original drawing file, I have using like a 8x10 inch canvas at 300 dpi. And what is a good size to use to import. I am re-sizing my images to about 3 inches and saving them as PNG files.

    Does anyone have experience with this kind of process and could offer some insight to what a good size is, 400 pixels tall? 3 inches tall? 72 dpi?

    What is working for you?

    Thanks for reading,


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  • Howdy folks, I want to have a character in my game use a whip as a weapon, like Castlevania, and be able to use the whip to strike hooks and swing across pits of doom. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to event something like that.

    Thank you,

  • Howdy folks, I want to have a character in my game use a whip as a weapon, like Castlevania, and be able to use the whip to strike hooks and swing across pits of doom. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to event something like that.

    Thank you,

  • groovy, thanks for the advice.

  • Hi Folks, I am using Construct 2 and can't open the .cap files. Can you help me out, I am also looking for help with whip mechanics.


  • 5 posts