Riccioppo's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • You can do it like this, it converts the binary to base64, downside is a larger filesize.

    For Snapshots

    For DrawingCanvas Snapshots

    The YOUR_SERVER.com/snapshot.php

    You, you sir, are a true hero :)

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  • Firstly, thanks a lot for replying. I was studying this link as you replied hahaha.

    The problem, I guess, is that it uses Canvas/Snapshots saved URL. I've tried this tutorial (from the link you've sent) and it saves as a zero byte file :p

    I'm trying to save a file that comes from the FileChooser object.

  • Hello. I've never posted anything here (or anywhere else, tbh). I'm working on a project for online exams. It uses Construct3 as its core language (ik, Javascript, duh), and I'm stuck on the part of uploading files to the server.

    Quick Example/Explanation:

    The Student accomplishes an exam. After passing through all of the questions, he/she may upload a PDF with his/hers answers. Problem is, my boss kinda wants it to be directory-driven. Yeah, I know, it would be easier if we just saved somewhere and saved the file's location on the database. I've already tried convincing him, but-- wtvr.

    The server uses PHP. It has some pre-made functions that allow uploading images (USING BASE64). As you can see, it's not the most advanced server ever. I must finish this by today, so it would be REALLY awesome if someone shows up and helps me.

    No mas, thanks in advance!

    Happy constructing!


  • 3 posts