rhg1968's Forum Posts

  • Just to show you an example of using timers successfully in my project. Maybe it'll spark an idea for you.

  • Without being to play around with it I don't have much I can suggest.

    The only thing I can add is try again with the timers, they do work. I wonder if the issue is that you're setting the state while it's running. Try commenting out the is running event and enable the other 2 and set the state to sleep on layout start. Then time should fire and set the state to awake. Now if something else causes the state to switch back to sleep that's another story.

    If you want me to look at your actual project, I could give you my email so you aren't sharing your project with everyone. Just let me know.

  • Are you interacting with the wake up timer in any other spots in the event sheet ?

  • I also wanted to point out that if your expecting that timer to happen more than once it won't. The value of 8 is only being set once on the start of the layout.

  • I can try to look at it a little more, but without the context of the rest of event sheet, it's a little tough.

  • There are a few things going on here that you may need to look at:

    1. You set the animation to play from the beginning every tick.
    2. You are checking in numerous conditions if the state is equal to something and then setting equal to that in the actions
    3. You also check if the state is not equal to a bunch of things and then check if equal to something. All you need is check if it equals what you want.

    Give me a little more time to look it over in more detail

  • To be honest I would have to see the whole event sheet to see if variables are being reset or not.

    I use the built timer extensively in my game, as matter of fact, I have 3 of them running on one layout without issues in both the c2 and c3 runtimes.

    I certainly can help more if you could create a simple project that reproduces the issue, if you don't want to share this one, and provide a link to it via drop box, one drive, etc....

    I would be more than willing to look into it more

  • I believe your issue is the trigger once condition. The less than zero check will only happen one time because of the trigger once. It'll set it to zero then never do it again. Both trigger once and <0 have to be true for the action to be carried out. Trigger once should only be used if you really only want it to be fired once.

  • Ashley


  • it is a single-global plugin

  • Ashley

    I have a plugin that allows you to loop over a json array structure directly and it works well.

    What I am curious about is that I can't set a break point in the loop. Is there some way I need to change the code to give it the ability to have break points set with the c3 runtime ?

    I appreciate any guidance.

    Thank you.

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  • I have a very complex game and so far the performance on mobile has been very good. I would need to see your project to be able to offer any suggestions.

  • Ashley

    I didn't, but I will. I just wanted to make sure since it had c2 in the name.

    Thank you

  • Ashley

    Well I did already and that's why I'm asking the question. I saw that you could call c2_callFunction but I didn't know if this is the correct way in the c3 runtime.

    I also feel that this info should be in the sdk manual

  • Ashley

    Is there a c3 public api that I can call a function, using the existing built in function, and pass parameters to it ?