RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Hi viaoceanica

    Try to use only the "familyname" instead to use "girasol".

    It would be better if I could see your script. Could you provide your CAPX?

  • Use a variable of boolean type (true / false) on the family itself, to control it. When the image is correct, change the variable to "false" in the moment before destroying the sprite. In action in which you create a new sprite, put a new condition for the spawn occurs only when the boolean variable is "true".

  • You could try the canvas.rgbaAt(x,y) expession... or use the blueAt(), redAt() and greenAt() expressions to get the color components to build a color string like "rgb(0,255,255)".

    Thanks, R0J0hound,

    In this case verify the color, right? But how do I know if the sprite was all painted? Is it possible?

  • The flood fill action seems to hang when there is transparency in the canvas being filled. Also the other color names work as I recall in Firefox. But in chrome they don't seem to be, but using color strings like "rgb(0,255,255)" do work.

    Hi R0J0hound. Now is working. Thanks for helping.

    How can we check if a sprite is all painted? We can verify or compare the color that was painted to see if it is the right color or the sprite was painted using the same color? Thanks

  • Hi eli0s,

    Thanks for the indication. This plugin is really good.

    I found another example in this thread that is closest to what I need.

    But I test it and only two colors works and it's not always. Do you know how can I fix it?

    Thanks again.

  • If you can publish the CAPX will be easier to analyze. Maybe you could use frames or animation to change images. If you need to use the variable "type" for some more actions, set the same frame number to this variable and call it in AnimationFrame action (family > Set animationFrame to type)

  • Is there any way to simulate painting on Construct2? The idea is the player needs to paint a sprite with the correct color that is shown on a display and would be better if done by dragging the mouse cursor. Is this possible? If yes, could someone give me an idea of how to do this? Thanks.

  • > I'm having problems with the splash screen orientation. When the image is viewed in portrait mode gets everything right. When I turn the phone to landscape mode the image gets distorted and poor quality. It seems that the same image is used in portrait mode


    > Another thing. I wonder which version of android generated in XDK intel should I use: arm or x86?


    To make your apps running on more Android devices, you probably upload two of them into Google play store with the same package name. Play store already supports this feature. See http_://developer.android.com/google/play/publishing/multiple-apks.html

    Please remove '_' in the above address. I don't have the permission to post a link here.

    Hi yongsheng,

    I'll test it. Thanks

    And about splash screen orientation, any tip?

  • Thanks It really works.

  • vtrix

    Thanks for continuing to try to help me.

    It really works this way that you built in your example. I had already tested this way. But it is not work for my purpose or maybe I'm doing something wrong. I used your file to simulate part of my project. Suddenly you can see something I'm not seeing.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ihabm5603qhbv ... anged.capx

    In this example, the correct would be to click on the 03 instances that the word "OK" to appear in the yellow box. But you simply click on one of the three instances that the word appears.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi vtrix

    Actually I need to use AND instead of OR because all instances must be in the same frame to proceed. I cannot understand why the "pick by evaluate" does not accept AND (&&).

    Thanks anyway.

  • Some light, please.

  • As I said yesterday, I had to use a variable ("register") to distinguish the frames and got the same problem I had with the UIDs. If I click on a square and the frame is correct, the value of the variable "squareRight" is changed. To change this variable is necessary that all the squares with the variable "register" =1 have been selected.

    Below is the code I used but that does not work

    Event: Pick all square
    Sub-event: Pick square where square.register=1
    Sub-event: Animation frame = 3
    Action: Set squareRight to 1[/code:1tgguz44]
  • RenatoB did you actually try this condition, i think you can combine picking like this / edit: nope you cant

    pick sprite instance 0

    pick sprite instance 7

    pick sprite instance 5


    I had tried this. BTW, was my first idea.

    you could make them variables and update the numbers when needed

    Okay. It seems that there is no other way.

  • RenatoB , yet another way would be to push the uid you want to check in an array, then for each x, pick uid at array.at(curx) and compare whatever


    But I continue to use UID and in a more complicated way. For me the best would be to use the first blackhornet solution because I need to manage 6~10 instances only:

    Pick instance by evaluating instance.UID >=0 && instance.UID <=3[/code:2600ry1n]
    I changed to :
    [code:2600ry1n]Pick instance by evaluating instance.UID=0 && instance.UID =3 && instance.UID =5 && instance.UID =9[/code:2600ry1n]
    But the program does not accept && for this command.