R0J0hound's Forum Posts

  • Python has an exec statement that does that:

    exec System.AppPath + r'scripts\gameplay\wakawakawaka.py'[/code:2w8c0vef]
  • Here's my attempt at creating this:

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/examples3/water2.cap made in 0.99.96

    It works well visually but requires a pretty much static environment. AKA it doesn't allow you to drain a body of water but it fills it nicely.

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  • Focus can be returned to the layout with the winapi through some python. All you need is to add the Window object to your cap and use this python script:

    from ctypes import *
  • It doesn't crash for me. Are you using 0.99.96?

  • Here is a cap with some additional ways to make a circle with the canvas object:

    1. Filled circle.

    2. Polyline circle. (the trig way)

    3. Graph of a circle.

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/examples3/circle.cap made in 0.99.96.

  • It might just be an issue of a missing backslash when typing the path.

    Say you type the directory path as "C:\mypath".

    Then you try to play a file:

    path & "music1.mp3"[/code:oq8iyssp]
    The result will be a wrong path "C:\mypathmusic1.mp3" so no sound will play.
    Just be sure to include a trailing backslash to the path and it should work.
  • What doesn't work about it? Whenever you use the name of a imagepoint in events are you putting it in quotes?

  • [quote:2fkul0qb]hey, doesn't gettoken works with private variables?




    If 'sdfsdf' is a string then it should work. But if it's a number then it needs to be converted into a string with the str() function.


  • ctypes should be included with a python install and Construct uses python 2.6.

    Here are all the python files you need for ctypes, just extract into the "Construct\Data\Python" Directory.


  • It is understood that this is a feature request, and yes I think it could be possible to implement as a plugin or even by modifying Construct. I have some ideas on how it could be done as a plugin, but the problem is a lack of time to experiment with it as I don't know exactly how it could be done.

    All the posts with workarounds are trying to be be helpful by showing way's to continue making your game now despite the lack of large image support. There is no telling telling how long it will take before a feature gets implemented, if at all.

  • EDIT:

    Get rid of the OR conditions in events 28,29. OR causes problems so you need to rework your events so it's not used.

  • [quote:1flgyb0c]I think there may be a possible bug with "clear all nodes". Every time I do that it goes back to the starting node, even if I add one right after that, a tick after to boot.

    It appears to fix it by doing this after you clear then add nodes:

    -> Sprite: Set distance to 0 on the path, moving Object.
    [quote:1flgyb0c]Also, is there any way to slow the turning on angle to path?
    It would be nice if the sprites rotation was a constant speed.
    Disable "Angle to path" for better control.  You can make the max rotation speed of 50 degrees per second with a event like this:
    [code:1flgyb0c]+ System: Always (every tick)
    -> Sprite: Rotate 50*TimeDelta degrees toward (.X+cos(Sprite[PathMovement].GetAngle),.Y+sin(Sprite[PathMovement].GetAngle))
    [quote:1flgyb0c]And is there a way to set deceleration?
    You can cause deceleration by setting the acceleration in the opposite direction as the velocity.  The only catch is it will slow to zero and then accelerate past it.
  • Is the screen black when going to a certain layout or any layout?

    edit: just noticed you only have 2 layouts.

    Do you have a non transparent layer on that layout that's black? Even if you set it to invisible when editing it will be visible when it's run.

    That's what I would look for.

  • It's pretty straightforward with the "is clockwise" system condition. I through the anglediff in there to make a threshold so that the Sprite isn't always thought to be turning.

    + Sprite: Pick by anglediff(.angle, 'oa') Greater than 1
        + System: Angle Sprite.Angle is Clockwise from Sprite ('oa')
        // turning right
        + System: Angle Sprite.Angle is Anticlockwise from Sprite ('oa')
        // turning left
    + System: Always (every tick)
    -> Sprite: Set 'oa' to.Angle
  • [quote:39wryl1a]Is global varible 'timer' equal to 140 - Create object.

    Which works however it creates as many of those objects as it can for 1 second, and I'm unable to fix it. Does anyone know a fix?

    Add a "trigger once" condition to that event.

    [quote:39wryl1a]Alternativly can someone explain how I can give each enemy a % chance to create an object upon death(There health varible = 0)

    Add a subevent to the event that destroys the object and add the condition system -> compare.

    + System: Random(2) Equal to 0[/code:39wryl1a]
    That would be a 50% chance of being true.
    [code:39wryl1a]+ System: Random(10) Less than to 9[/code:39wryl1a]
    And this would have a 90% Chance.