ith objects overlapping I trust you only refer to the ones that are colliding?
Yeah, but let me clarify, C2 treats both objects in contact and objects on top of each other as colliding. For the algorithm used I mean the latter, objects on top of each other.
e are going to show the pool table at an angle, and in order to not have to further compensate balls colliding with an angled surface, I figured we'd use the Mode7 plugin you posted not too long ago.
Here's a test I did:
We're not gonna rotate it and such during gameplay. I'm only using the effect to get the table angled.
With that you're going to need to figure out the perspective transform to map the balls to the correct positions on the table. I haven't done this myself yet but here is a link that has the math:
ow many collisions did you consider many? I haven't noticed any slowdown. It stays at a nice 59-61~ FPS for me. Though I recently upgraded and am now running an i7 system, which could explain it. The primary target platform is Ouya though, so if it's too heavy, that could be an issue.
If I double the object count it noticeably stalls when about five or more collisions occur, but it may very well be due to my 1.5ghz single core 10 year old computer. There is a lot that could be done to make it go faster, such as calculating the time of collision instead of iteratively finding it and using a spacial hash of some sort so collisions are checked against only the other nearby balls instead of all of them. In my capx the most blaring inefficiency is collisions are checked between every ball with all the others twice. It could be improved to once if the collision pair were saved to a list somehow.
also noticed that there's constant motion. Even if a ball comes to a stop another one soon enough bumps into it and sends it off with renewed force. Though I'm sure it's not too hard to fix.
Yes it's pretty simple to change the formulas to take into account acceleration for friction. The elasticity can probably be changed from 1 (perfectly elastic) to 0.9 so that it's more realistic.