PudgyPlatypus's Forum Posts

  • Quick question:

    I create these 5 blocks, and then there is a For Each of those blocks that says change opacity to 80, then wait 1 second, change opacity 60, wait 1 sec, etc until I get to 20 opacity then destroy the sprite.

    The problem is the first opacity setting changes the sprites just fine, but then it just does each of the waits but doesn't do the opacity changes in between. Is this a limitation in For Each or am I missing something?


  • I was trying to figure out the best/easiest way to have the functionality of having a sprite (round), when you touch and drag you move it around normally. But if you have one finger on it, then put another finger down and turn, the sprite will turn with the 2nd finger (like a knob pretty much).

    I tried an event where if touching sprite and on Nth Touch started (1), to set the angle of the sprite to where the 2nd touch is. It seems like the sprite turns a little towards the 2nd touch but then nothing else. Its weird because I don't really see any event to keep running on the Nth touch like is touching?

    Anyone do something like this that could help? I'm sure it is probably not too hard but I program all day and then get home and try and do more and my brain is usually fried by then :(

  • Wowzer, that program looks fantastic, totally trying it out tonight! Thanks!

  • Hey Lovelocke,

    Yes I am still actively working on it but I have gone back and forth ALOT on the mechanics so it's note really pieced together after the big change I did a couple days ago.

    Basically I decided to go with the "give the player a lot of freedom" for my TD music game. At first I went with ok, place instrument turrets and they play sounds every designated amount of seconds and enemies come through, you upgrade the towers to make them more powerful or bigger range but it still felt sort of stale.

    As a producer/dj I had all these music tools sitting right next to me and I realized I should try and use those as some inspiration. I have an awesome Launchpad(http://global.novationmusic.com/midi-controllers-digital-dj/launchpad) and thought hey, I wanted people to be able to make some sort of music why not give them a pseudo launchpad where it is easy to layout the instruments as if you were making a beat and put some tower defense stuff inside that. So I'm going for more of a look of that launchpad where pushing a button lights it with the color instrument and they will shoot out a "wave" when the timing hits the column of notes of that particular bar.

    So really right now I am making the pad functionality and the waves coming from the buttons, once that works pretty well I'm going for the enemies and some sort of pathing between the "buttons/towers".

    I will for sure post a link to a demo/screenshots as soon as I atleast have the pad created. Thanks for all the great ideas, they helped immensely and I'm always open for more if you think of anything else cool for it :)


  • Those look fantastic Lemo!

    I was also a Glitch player who was sad to hear it closing but it's awesome they released all of the game assets just for people like you!

    Keep up the great work!

  • Ah thats an interesting way, I will definitely try that, thanks!

    When you scale up a sprite and you have designated the collision points at certain areas will they scale appropriately as it gets larger? I'm guessing so but I havent gotten to try it just yet.

  • youtube.com/watch

    Do you have any idea on the easiest way to get that circular wave effect in Construct 2 working well? I don't think having a small circle sprite and then sizing it up would work very well right?

    Is there any plug ins that could possibly give me more flexibility to accomplish something like that?


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  • Yes I agree with it being pretty rigid the way I was heading with it. It definitely seems like games that are getting a good following are the ones where the players get to have more of a say on how it plays/sounds, etc.

    I guess the way I program it can help with stopping people from making the song muddied up with kicks playing at a different tempo and sounding like a stampede of horses.

    Just changing my towers to play sounds when placed has made it a bit more interesting (although I still have difficulty with interacting with specific instances of a sprite, but whatever).

    I still really like the idea of the enemies being specific to instruments/sounds but the difficulty is making it a little more obvious of what you should use without having a bunch of text explaining them. I think the combination of the bright colors and specific enemies could work by having kicks being a bright red and the bullets they shoot are also red so the enemies that are the same color would be the ones you want to use the kick sounds against (or maybe using the inverse color of the tower?)

    Its funny you mentioned Rez because I really like that game and the style it had. I definitely had the style of Rez in mind along with Tron when thinking about the color scheme/look of the game. I really like how simple but elegant Geometry Wars/Geometry Wars 2 looked (especially the warping of the background after bombs) and sort of tried to mimic it a bit but I'm waiting on a friend to make me some decent sprites.

    I had actually came across the music TD game you mentioned after I initially came up with this idea. I tried it out and was really unimpressed with the looks and the gameplay of it like you mentioned. I was happy to see that was the most popular attempt at it because it was very far from what I wanted to accomplish.

    Again thanks for all the ideas and suggestions! If you have anything else that randomly comes to mind definitely let me know, and when I finish this I will definitely make sure you get credit for helping with ideas :)

  • Wow Love that is some great ideas!

    I can definitely use a lot of that but I have one question before I go further.

    It seems like our two ideas of how the towers work are a bit different, mostly because I typed out my stuff quick at work and didn't give a lot of info.

    I have built the frame where a "level" would be a song I have created outside of the game with my music DAW. Then based on the song/level the towers that are available are the different instruments in that designated song and they would shoot according to when it plays in the song. So then you would have to know when the break down of the song is to make sure you have the right towers in place for it, etc.

    Yours sounds much more like the towers are making the sounds for the level and therefore maybe the player is affecting how the sounds play together? I had somewhat of that idea in the beginning but was worried people could put together a bad grouping and it just sound like a muddled mess and people wouldnt like it. What do you think?

    I LOVE the idea for the enemies and I will definitely have to try and see how to add a system like that. Thanks Love and look forward to hearing some more!

  • Hey Lovelocke I think I will bite and ask for some creativity/advice here.

    I hesitated posting my idea here because I have had others take my ideas and run with them a few times before but I could be just totally paranoid and this idea not even be that good to begin with so whatever.

    I have been building the framework to a Tower Defense Game but I wanted to incorporate a very "music" like theme to it. As a long time Dj/Wannabe producer I wanted to incorporate my two loves (music and games) into something a bit unique. I have yet to see many TD games that have any sort of music functionality to them so I said "Let's do this".

    Without giving too much of what I have made so far I was sort of "stuck" on a few things that I need some creativity for. The game will basically have towers that are based on the instruments that are used in the songs I make for each level (Kick drum is a tower, clap is a tower, so on), and they will shoot when that instrument plays in the song. I have some other stuff but heres where I need some creativity:

    1) The towers are based on the instruments in the song, what could you picture as the "projectiles" from said turrets? (Soundwaves? Shapes?)

    2) Enemies have been my biggest hurdle. What could be a possible enemy in a music TD game? What kind of backstory or meaning could you put into it? Enemy is some sort of "thing" that is trying to get to the end of the song to "censor" creativity, music..something?

    3) Other functionality to make the game fun. Placing a kick and a clap near each other and when both shoot at the same time a special effect happens?

    Any kind of cool ideas would definitely help ;)

  • That was it, awesome! Thanks

  • Ah interesting, im on r117, ill try that out!

  • I just have a quick question about sprites and instances of them.

    I have an enemy Sprite and it follows a path, every 2 seconds another one spawns. In the container of the sprite I have a red and green bar that will show the health above each of the sprites. Every tick it moves the bar along with the sprite.

    The bar follows each sprite but the problem is when I do the calculation to make the width of the green bar smaller (set the width of the green bar when a bullet collides with the sprite), it makes all of the green bars smaller, not just that instance of it.

    Am I missing something? I thought since it was just that instance of the container it should be only changing the width of the one that was collided with correct?

  • Although I can't look at the capx right now (at work on my Mac), but I'm guessing you are coding the movements manually when you could set the player to have the behavior 8Directions and customize it from there which usually is a lot easier.

  • Ah thanks for that Nimtrix, Ive been looking into dt a bit the past few days and trying to get used to it.

    Here's the dilemma, say at the start of a "level" I set a time to say 2 minutes. The shooting from the turrets I want to ALWAYS shoot at their designated second variable (every .5 seconds, 1 second, etc), BUT to only actually shoot a bullet when an enemy is in it's "range". The problem is that trying to mess with the example you sent me I could mimick that but the turrets ended up getting out of sync a bit.

    So do you see an easy way with some more complicated expressions to do this:

    Timer = 120 seconds

    Every tick subtract dt from Timer.

    Tower 1 Shoot bullet when Timer is x.5 seconds AND enemy is in x range

    Tower2 Shoot bullet when Timer is a whole 1 second AND enemy is in x range

    What this really comes down to is wherever the tower is and whatever is happening, if a bullet is supposed to come from Tower 1 and Tower 2 that they shoot at the exact time.

    Sorry I'm not really giving really in depth details about the game because honestly I'm worried about others liking my idea and running with it (no offense to anyone), but I really want to make this game. So if your bored and cant think of anything from these details I wouldn't mind brainstorming through messages if your bored.

    Thanks Nim and anyone else that has ideas on trying this!