PudgyPlatypus's Forum Posts

  • Very interesting, great job! I would definitely be interested in seeing how you got the trails working, I've had quite a hard time getting trails to look "good" or natural, and those look great.

  • A0Nasser That's actually a great idea, that game has such a simple idea but is very well done and very addicting. I think that will go on the list, thanks!

  • Added my game I made in my Week 1 of 12 Games in 12 Weeks challenge, not much to it but still fun.


  • Hey everyone!

    So I had found an article about an indie developer who was new to developing and had challenged himself to do 12 games in 12 weeks (1 game a week) to some great success and thought maybe it would be a good challenge for myself since I have had trouble finishing the last couple games I'm working on.

    So I started last week and "completed" my first game PixelGolf which is similar to the iOS game Desert Golf. Not beautiful to look at but I made all the tiles myself in Pyxel edit and it worked out quite nicely.

    Game 1 Link (GameJolt): http://gamejolt.com/games/sports/pixelgolf/36149/

    Game 1 Link (Kongregate): http://www.kongregate.com/games/PudgyPlatypus/pixelgolf


    My tumblr I'm updating with info and the next 11 games so keep checking back, I have some other great ideas to come in the next 11 weeks.

    Let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback! Thanks

  • Thanks Here's one question, do you add those icon images into the folder before you zip up all the files and send to Phonegap Build or do you add the icon files to your C2 project before exporting?

  • Some captures of what I've finished in my grid movement system:

    About 2 hours of work:

    About 5 hours after that:

    Still much a work in progress, but I am extremely happy how it's turning out so far.

    That looks great! In the second screenshot you are using a TileMap for the environment correct?

  • I did which didn't change the error that came up.

  • Anyone have any issues with taking their Phonegap Build ipa and uploading them with the Application Loader program? I keep getting these problems and I have no idea how to fix them..I made sure the icon files were in my folder when I compiled the project..

    Here is a screenshot of the errors coming up:

  • Nevermind this, I had to uninstall the version I had built before and reinstall it and now the bar doesn't show. Sorry about that!

  • Problem Description

    When exporting to PhoneGap there is an option "hide status bar". If you compile this for iOS on Adobe Cloud Compiler the status bar is still shown. I actually copied this all from the Closed bug for this because it is still acting exactly the same after updating to r183 so wasn't too sure if there was something else I needed to do for this to work now.

    Tested on iOS8, OS version 8.0.2

    Attach a Capx

    not required

    Description of Capx

    not required

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Export any project (could even be an empty one) to PhoneGap

    Select "Hide Status Bar"

    Compile and run on iOS

    Observed Result

    Status bar still shown

    Expected Result

    Status bar should be hidden

    Affected Browsers

    iOS (PhoneGap)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    C2 on Windows7 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Awesome, I thought I was doing something wrong. Thanks Ashley !

  • cranberrygame Thanks for the reply Cranberry. It was interesting, I just needed to restart my Construct 2 client to get the Toast plugin to work so that's good.

    But then I realized I still have a problem with the Social plugin. The only difference I can see is that the Social plugin requires the edit to the index.html file (correct?) and put that <script> in there but depending on where I put it seems to make the app behave differently. Most of the time the app just comes up to a black screen or other times when I put the <script> line in the html file underneath all the other <script> lines for jquery and such it just starts up normally but doesn't pull up the social things. I even tried this with the example file so I'm guessing it is something I'm doing with the index.html file that is the problem. In the doc it says to put it at the header but it seems like all the other Javascript calls are near the bottom of the body. Maybe I just need to see an example of an index.html with the <script> line added to see for myself? Any ideas?


  • So I have been trying to test out with Phonegap build with not much luck and was just curious on what I'm doing wrong.

    I added the Toast plugin and just a simple button to open a toast message but nothing happens. Here is what my App looks like on PhoneGap Build site:

    (Sorry for ridiculous size image, I don't know why it's so huge..)


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  • cranberrygame Scratch what I sent in my PM, I was able to get my old email account. Thanks!

  • What exactly do I need to do after purchasing the plugins? I'm not sure if I had an old email set up with my Paypal so I was just checking to see if it's just an email or something?

    Thanks and excited to get some of these plugins working for my app