Prominent's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    Some weird bugs seem to crop up when an array is in a container!

    Attach a Capx!AhHSZHEulqh_ggjXgtvXjOTUxVzp

    Description of Capx

    array in a container, when object is created, it can't find the array or something.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • run and get error

    Observed Result

    error happens

    Expected Result

    no error

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack


    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Just ran into this issue again.. I had an event that was using 0.1% cpu, and when put in a function it became 1.5%

    That's a 1500% increase just because it was put in a function!

  • Events consist of Conditions and Actions. When the Conditions of the Event are true, the Actions will be performed.

    Events become sub-events when they are nested within other Events. All sub-events are ran before moving to the next Event.

  • AnimationFrameSpeed is a sorely needed sprite expression. Without it there is no way to time animations which have frames with a speed of more than 1. Replicating frames for a large number of animations is not an acceptable workaround.

    Would appreciate a response from the Scirra team on this.

    There's a lot of stuff missing from the expressions/actions. I'd rather not create a behavior just to get/set the frame speed, but it looks like I'm going to have to. :\</p>

  • Okay, I've uploaded new version (r7) with Destroy property. Child will be destroyed when the parent is destroyed if this property is enabled.


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  • Thanks Anonnymitet , that's a good idea- I'll try to add that!

  • I can confirm too.. that is pretty weird.

  • I want to remove some items from the store, but I can't because they're always in a sale/bundle.

    When can I remove them???

  • I'm having this issue too.

  • been having this login issue still.

  • Updated version R6:

    fixed a bug with the rope/bar modes when imagepoint is used.

    added more options to the mirror/flip- you can now mirror/flip position.


  • justifun , yeah that would make sense to have that option. I'll work on adding that!

  • justifun

    thanks, I've uploaded a fixed version r5b.

    Looks like I had one of the actions using the same number as another action. Should be fixed now!

  • Okay, uploaded new versions R5:

    added more options to the Width/Height properties. (relative width/height, scale x/y, scale relative x/y)

    added Mirror and Flip properties.

    Also corresponding expressions/actions to get/set those.


  • Prominent Tried this and it is great. Thank you for making it

    If I could wish for two extra features it would be these:

    Mirror --> mirror pinned object based on the object it is pinned to

    Relative size --> Scale pinned object based on the pinned object change in scale.

    Good suggestions. I suppose a flipped option would be useful as well as mirrored.

    I'll work on adding those.

    For the relative size, are you imagining it would work something like this:

    if parent object increases scale by 5% of parent size, increase child object by 5% of child size ?

    I could probably add that as options under the Width/Height properties.

    I could probably add another option for adjusting by pixels too- like if parent scales by 5px, then child also scales by 5px.

    I'll work on all these.