part12studios's Forum Posts

  • holy crap that's amazing :) I didn't realize that worked that easy.



  • Hi everyone,

    I was just curious about the security issues that come up with trying to play games locally. it seems that firefox is the only one i can get to do it without any fiddling. FF still mentions some security concerns, but ultimately runs the game.

    Is there a setting somewhere to allow Chrome, Safari and IE to run C2 games locally? For demo purposes where internet might not be available, being able to install / run locally is nice.

    making a PC exe (not win8 app store app) or a mac .app would be a thought as well, but I'm a little gun-shy after having cocoon js go so poorly.



  • oh and then of course now that i go back to touchtest7 on iPad mini to try again.. it doesn't work now.. and now works! wtf? this is insane.. I don't get how this could be so inconsistent and difficult to troubleshoot.

  • ok so I took your project and posted it.. so weird.. the cancel sound you used plays, by my iPad2 does not play the scene1a.wav

    I looked at the source file and it's clearly a 44,100hz 16 mono audio file so I don't see there being anything wrong with it that would cause it to not play. when i import I always select 128kbs.

    now looking at the source click file, its a 48,000 16bit stereo so there is some inconsistency there, but not something that would explain the voice audio.

    oh and get this.. so i also own an iPad Mini.. and guess what, the audio does work on touchtest7.. now it doesn't play audio on bloop still, but at least on a really basic level there is clearly some differences in hardware. they are both running iOS7

    As for the click sound 24kbs, where are you seeing that? Maybe I'm overlooking something else in terms of audio format.

  • Ok this is all so crazy.. so on the one hand i see a simple oversight with the touch tests.. i wasn't triggering the play sound with touch, but i was with mouse click..

    fixing that, it works for that test.. but the actual project was wired up correctly. I can't figure out what my actual project is doing different! it plays audio fine on pc.. i could understand if may some sounds wouldn't fire off.. but none?   

    then to top it off.. i go to test another touch test with an audio file that imports without any errors.. its something that should play in my project automatically.. not something that is triggered by anything except on start of layout and to wait a few seconds this is the project and as you can see audio is fine.. warning on ipad i don't have touch controls in place so it won't interact.. but you should still hear the music and the voices even on the ipad version without anything special..

    so i made another test here is the capx (my website works consistent with Dropbox)

    see how "click" plays? but scene1a doesn't?   is there a file size limit or something? I just don't get it. I think it is ultimately something to do with the this one is the same but i replaced the two non-playing voices with SFX1 from your suggested free asset folder.. and yet they still nothing will play.. so its really strange..

    Also thanks so much for your help with this. This is my first serious project with C2 and it's been overall a great experience, but not to be so far and to have audio hamstring my project is unfortunate! I know there is a solution though.

    On a side note i recently bought a sinclair 1000 (with ram module) off of ebay.. it was my first computer way back when...

  • also sorry, here is the capx

  • yes i definitely hear the sound on my ipad

  • so yea i still hear no sound here either, do you hear anything? what do you mean sound on the link? what else can i do? sound works fine on a pc.

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  • ok ok.. yes public folder is something i hadn't used before.. one of those folders i deleted once upon a time because i had no need for it (then)

  • and just to be thorough here is the shared folder that would include the index file

  • ok i feel like a big noob here, but when i click this link it wants me to download it, not open the page. Is there some trick to getting the dropbox folder to just act like a web folder?

  • i am not using any preload commands either.. just straight audio calls.. maybe that's an issue?

  • ok so i import the files. the were wav format and this is what they look like in my project.. this is a test project that is also not producing audio so i know this is as bare bones as it gets..

  • yea totally. i have some common back / forward buttons throughout the project i'm working on.. would be great to have them more modular.. well i have a new project i'm starting soon.. I'll have to apply this to that one!

  • oooooooooo ok i see now.. that's great. i've seen that before but didn't investigate further. very cool!