part12studios's Forum Posts

  • ok I'll try that. i am doing the instance variable already.. the player however has a global variable.. could be made an instance variable but since there was just one player i went with global.. I was already kinda doing this but not exactly so I'll see how your approach goes!

  • yea sorry that is correct.. imagine there are 5 lanes.. 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest.. if you were on lane 3.. and the enemy was on lane 4.. you should appear behind it.. if you were on lane 5 you would appear in front of it.

    It seems like in general it's one or the other with my current approach.. either they are all in front or all behind.. and to your z order suggestion that's how I was trying to do it.. at least fundamentally, i'm obviously doing something wrong in my attempt.

    the issue for me is that an enemy is spawned off the screen to the right and enters the scene.. the player could move since the moment the enemy is spawned so it first appears correct possibly.. but if the player were to change his position any moment after that object is placed on the screen its no longer right..

    So I'm trying to get them to behave dynamically and for some reason something like this isn't working:

    on collision with player + not on the same lane as enemy, move enemy behind player (z order).. or even more extreme:

    on collision with player + not on the same lane as enemy, move enemy to other layer...

    As it is the system is a 5 number ID system that indicates which lane the player is.. if player is on lane 3 when touching an object with a Lane 3 ID then it's a hit / game over condition.. then ideally if the number of enemy is greater or less than the player ID it would be smart enough to snap the object to the appropriate z order or layer... though i'd rather not use layers for performance reasons..

  • Hi there,

    I have a project where a character is running along the ground.. but there are layers (think TMNT / Double Dragon side scroller) The player moves between 5 lanes..

    The perspective is angled so some obstacles you want to avoid when avoided are either behind or in front of the player.. however when I try various things nothing seems to work..

    So far I've tried a number of different things and the overall result is that i'm spawning these obstacles they all seem to want to stay behind or in front of the player..but since the player is constantly moving through the lanes they need to be dynamic..

    I tried doing things like "on collision with player" move in front of or behind player object.. I even tried moving to two other layers being ones n front and behind.. but nothing seems to help..

    I must not be understanding something fundamental about how these are triggered dynamically.. I have used behaviors like this before in static ways and that's fine, but this is the first time I've had to have things dynamically change.



  • yea i don't think there is really.. it's not about layers though.. it's about knowing where to find things quickly throughout a project.. if i click on an object.. i'd love to know where that object is located.. in what layer.. not at runtime but while developing.. if you have multiple layouts.. and say multiple objects that look very similar.. finding which one is the right one can be a tedious process.. or ones that are hidden.. or behind objects in layers.. any number of reasons..

    Stuff like this would be super if they could incorporate it in Construct 3..

  • ah ok interesting.

    yea see what i would love to see is imagine being able to "get info" about a particular variable or object.. imagine being able to see how many times a certain variable is being used.. and by what.. i've had variables i made and ended up not needing/using.. but they sit there and i have spend time tracing down if it's relevant anymore.. which just becomes a hassle to hunt down over multiple event sheets...

    So yea it would be great if maybe Construct 3 could consider making the tool better for getting more information about objects in a given game especially more involved / complex games.

  • event search.. yea very handy, but it's only per event sheet.. i like to break things up into different specific event sheets "monster event sheet" "player event sheet".. it would be great if there was a way to scan all of them in a search without having to go into each of them to find the thing you're looking for..

    how do you use flags or gates (what's a gate?). I know there are bookmarks but honestly i've never found them that useful.. i'm sure they are i just haven't applied them ever. I know breaks are commonly used in code and i thought construct 2 had them though I've never come across them if that's the case.

  • Hi there,

    I'm not sure if there might be ways to do some of this that I just don't know how.. but I've been working on a project that its a little trickier than past games to manage various moving parts and such.. and i'm starting to notice some things that would be nice to have but maybe are already possible and I just don't know so here are the things i'd like to be able to do:

    • select an object from the projects folder and know every scene the object can be found in
    • have a search window in the projects folder to be able to find a particular object (things getting lost/misplaced in various folders
    • search for something and it check all event sheets not just the one i'm in. This is really helpful to insure something in particular is completely removed from any / all event sheets so no fear of lingering stuff still causing trouble.

    I think the overall thing that would be helpful here are "global searches" which might allow a user to trace down something that is referenced throughout a project.

    I tend to like breaking up things into separate event sheets to help keep code more modular and manageable, however doing this tends to complicate debugging because i might not remember where something was referenced and have to then do multi event sheet searches..

    So yea any advice on better ways to debug problems like this is welcome.



  • very nice! thanks for sharing this capx and yea that's super very good performance

  • bump

  • well much of this has become moot xanxion thanks to cordova / phonegap / xdk and all the plugins out there now. pode's iframe works fine for this purpose. when i was asking the question at the time it was before Cordova was officially adopted as the favored export method by Scirra.

  • TheDom ok cool, that does seem like it would cut to the root of the issue.. now to figure out how to code javascript.. heh..



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  • interestingly the problem doesn't occur on mobile browsers.. it seems to be isolated to Chrome/Safari/IE (so far) that have the issue..

    TheDom As for how to address this, how would I insert code like this into the project? Would I have to go and edit the c2runtime.js file directly? or can code like this be somehow integrated into the project in C2?



  • Hi everyone,

    I have a situation where i'm using the pode iframe to pull up something. i have a continue button below it that is my button. what I'm noticing is that when the screen comes up and I click the continue button, it doesn't register but the second click does.

    This seems like a focus issue, so I went and added the browser plug which has a focus action in it, but this doesn't seem to help.. i've tried a number of variations without the same results.

    Does anyone know a trick to insure that when a layout loads and an iframe appears, the focus of the screen can focus back on the screen the iframe is laying on?



  • bump.

  • Hi everyone,

    I've been working with XDK / Corvoda / Crosswalk for awhile now and it's been great. However I have been noticing a problem with music files. It seems there is a noticeable hiccup in looping audio.

    I realize that this is most likely due to the audio format m4a for iOS.. which is much like mp3 in that it doesn't allow

    However even with Android via Crosswalk it too had poor music looping.

    So long story short, is there some special setting(s) or perhaps 3rd party audio plugin someone has out there that allows me to load music and have it play great.

    I remember one of the nice things I experienced with CocoonJS when I ported my game over to the OUYA was that they had great looping music.

    With all the advances we've made with HTML5 / Cordova, I hate to think Construct 2 games are unable to simply play looping music smoothly.. I hope there is a solution for this because so far I've managed to be able to work around this problem, but at some point I'm going to really need the ability to play something seamlessly and I don't think this is an unreasonable request or expectation in 2015

